If you don't complete a run, do you repeat it? When I did week 1, I failed to complete the first 2 sessions, but found the last session fine, so today I've moved on to wk2 run 1 and I had a really hard time with lactic acid - so I wasn't able to complete the last 2 runs of the session properly - I think I made it to 50 seconds on one and 70 seconds on the other. But generally was in a lot of pain and didn't complete the warm down walk. Should I re-do it as wk2 run 1 next time?
Hello. Some help if you don't mind. - Couch to 5K
Hello. Some help if you don't mind.

I have done each run of each week in turn but I am a new runner. My partner who is an experienced runner started joining me at week five and he is fine so I. think you have to do whatever works for you.

Yes, definitely repeat. The idea is to repeat runs you're unable to finish them. Only by completing every run for a particular week can you be certain you're ready to move on to the next week. Good luck next time. Maybe try to go a bit slower, that usually works.

If you don't complete a run session successfully then yes you do need to complete it - so you've got 2 more sessions with the Week 1 podcast to do.
It really is worth doing properly. At my first attempt I managed the first four of the running intervals and I decided I would walk the rest of the podcast and not attempt any more runs in that session. Using this strategy I was able to see my progress. It did take me a lot of outings (I must have listened to that podcast over 12 times) before I was completing it successfully and had the 3 repeats required under my belt but it was a very worthwhile investment as after that I never needed to re-do any session, running every other day.
So good luck with your next 2 sessions with week 1!
Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely repeat Wk2 Run 1 then as I felt miles off the level I ought to be at. I think drinking wine last night might have caused the negative results....!
Or based on Googleme's advice, I might just go and do 2 more of week 1 sessions just to be sure....

I think that's wise. For me the programme suggests that you only move on to the next week once you have successfully completed all the runs. No shame in repeating - if you haven't run before its a shock to the system and you really, really want to avoid injury.
Don't miss out on the warm down walk and make sure you do some stretches afterwards. Rest days are an important part of the process. Don't rush it, you will soon build up stamina and be doing longer runs so just take it at the pace your body dictates.
Good luck!

Googleme's advice is sound. If you're unable to complete a run, a good approach is to repeat it before moving on to the next week. The last thing you want to do is overdo things and lose motivation. Two more goes at Week 1 and I'm willing to bet you'll feel ready to take on Week 2.
Best of luck! I look forward to seeing how you progress

I guess you need to be comfortable with what you are achieving. If you feel you want to repeat it, then repeat it. It won't do you any harm. Just be sure to keep those rest days in between, your body needs them.

Hi LMC, this is the reason why I love this forum. You've been able to come onto the site, ask for some guidance and get lots of lovely encouragement and reassurance. Laura is going to get you from couch to 30 minutes running, but this can take as long as necessary. Keep at it, don't get demotivated and build your strength up slowly. I've seen a few posts over the weeks blaming Friday night wine for difficult runs. Must be some truth in that. "You can do this" and "Don't go too fast" as the great lady tells us.

I'd repeat the 2 W1 if I were you. Repeating will help you build stamina, and if you're pushing ahead without completing you'll over do it. It takes as long as it takes, the important thing is that you complete the programme safely and remain injury free.

Always remember that you are training your body to do something you might never have done before. Each run is training for the next one. It is not a tick box exercise. If you have trouble with a run, repeat it. If you don't then you may not be ready for the next one. Trust the structure of the plan, repeat if needs be and in a few weeks you will be running for thirty minutes non stop. You are in control and it is not a race. Good luck.

The programme is worth sticking to and advisable not to move on to the next week until you can complete the current week. Don't look upon it as time wasted though, its anything but. Every run you do is adding to your strength and stamina, you will also be gaining experience too. Do it at a sensible pace it will prevent injury too, if you push your body too soon you could hurt yourself, you are after all expecting your body to do something new. Slow your speed down a little too that will help. Don't miss out on your rest days either, they are very important to help your muscles recover. If you like other exercise there is no reason why you can't partake in it on rest days, just don't run. Good luck you'll get there this programme works.
Thanks everyone. Today I've been really stiff! Will run 2 x week 1 runs next week! Determined to crack this