The obsession that some people have with 5K in... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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The obsession that some people have with 5K in 30 minutes.

59 Replies

There has been too much emphasis recently with the ridiculous notion of the 'goal of the programme is 5K in 30 minutes' that has been promoted by one arrogant loudmouth in particular.. I knew it would cause damage to someone sooner or later. It was for this reason that I left the forum but allowed myself to be persuaded back.

Frankly, I am now more disgusted than ever and want nothing more to do with it.


59 Replies
PandaRunner profile image

I just want to be able to do both at one point - my 30 minutes and 5k may never meet but who cares! 6 weeks ago I was struggling to run for 30 seconds! Ran my w7r1 25 minutes this morning! WTG me and WTG us! :-)

grannyjudes profile image

Poor want2run2 :( wish she would get in touch

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to grannyjudes

I know it was upsetting reading her post yesterday. I love what I have managed to achieve. I said if I could only get to be able to run for 10 minutes then I would be amazed with myself!

dottiemay profile image

I don't know who you mean fitmo as I've never encountered anyone on here who is obsessed with a 30min 5k. It is a target for many, that I will admit, but as far as I'm aware we have ALWAYS emphasised the point that it is running for 30 minutes that's the aim of the programme NOT 5k in 30 mins. Anyone who reads through the posts will see this pointed out time and time again.

It is very sad if a poster had misunderstood or taken the title literally and we don't want anyone giving up and feeling that they've 'failed', a word we've been at great pains to try to abolish from this forum, but I have to stand up for the overwhelming majority of posters who, whilst taking huge pride in their own achievements, have offered consistent and fantastic encouragement to everyone, at whatever level they may be.

When I was first starting out, I met only goodwill and delight when I posted what I'd done and that spirit of comradeship and support has continued for everyone who posts. Some people who joined after me have far exceeded my achievements and I am thrilled for them and love reading their stories many of which have inspired me to do things I never thought I was capable of.

Are those who have achieved fantastic things no longer allowed to share their ups and downs for fear of offending those who are just beginning and/or may not want to run 10ks, HMs or Marathons? If that's case, then I'm also off.

PandaRunner profile image
PandaRunnerGraduate in reply to dottiemay

I love the support from this forum and have never come across the hard line of having to do 5k in 30 minutes. I read the post yesterday when someone felt they had failed. It was so sad!

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to dottiemay

Well said, dottiemay.

paul2014 profile image

Well it's obvious who fitcard13mo is referring to and that is me. She has constantly made snide remarks directed at me on various posts and constantly singled me out. She has ridiculed, vilified and mocked my aim to complete the c25k in 30 minutes.

I have so far ignored her remarks as I didn't want to inflame things but now you have taken things too far. Calling me an 'arrogant loudmouth' is the final straw. If you have an issue with me then PM me and discuss it like adults instead of posting childish insults in a public forum upsetting more people in the process.

Please refrain from throwing insults about and grow up. If you want to continue this discussion then PM me and stop spamming the forum. I'm sure the other c25k'ers don't want to hear your rants!

I apologise to fellow members if this post has caused upset but I'm not prepared to take fitcard13mo's insults any longer.

anadelsur profile image
anadelsur in reply to paul2014

sometimes it seems so hard accepting and enjoying the diversity in all aspects of human life! Each of us has its own goals, and i think the idea is support and celebrate when we achieve it. Hope we all will celebrate your 5K in 30 mins very soon! Best regards.

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to anadelsur

Thank you, Ana.

Nilzed profile image
Nilzed in reply to paul2014

It wasnt obvious to me.

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to Nilzed

What wasn't?

AncientMum profile image

Personally I love the support and encouragement to be found on this forum. It's kind and it's generous and it's always given in the spirit of friendliness and encouragement. I've benefited from it myself on numerous occasions. I also really love it when people post their achievements and their stats. I never feel I'm in competition with anyone. I never feel like anyone is gloating. I just feel people are rightly proud of their running and want to share their successes with likeminded people. I feel proud and happy for people when they get a great time or a new PB and I assume they feel the same when I achieve something- the replies I've received seem to suggest they do. The bottom line is we're all runners: some of us are fast, some are slow, some run for miles and miles and some manage a couple of minutes. Some of us are young, some middle aged and some of us are passed retirement. Some of us are really fit and others have complex underlying medical issues. We are who we are but we are also runners. Let's continue to glory in each others achievements and offer all the support and encouragement that makes this forum so wonderful. xxx

I_will profile image
I_willGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Here here!

cathryn14 profile image
cathryn14Graduate in reply to AncientMum

You've got this spot on. I wish I could have been as eloquent. This thread took me quite aback!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to cathryn14

Hopefully it's all blown over now. Even the best of friends fall out sometimes but friends always make up again

poppypug profile image

Well said Epic Mum, totally agree xxx

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to poppypug

and me

tanyag_163 profile image

I have to defend Fitmo here as she has always been very supportive of everyone. It's great if some people can and want to aim for 5k in less than 30 minutes, but it's not for everyone. We need to encourage each other and be realistic on what we can achieve. The fact that someone has started running to get fit should be celebrated. It's often hard enough in the first place when you may not know where to start, or feel embarrassed to get out there, without the added pressure of feeling like you might be under performing.

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to tanyag_163

I agree and equally people who aspire to do more should also be encouraged, not vilified.

tanyag_163 profile image
tanyag_163Graduate in reply to paul2014

I agree. Stories such as Dan Zargo, JuciyJu & Aftabs amongst others just go to show what can be achieved. Equally, there are people out there who are happy to just potter about once they have reached a certain goal or fitness level. These all need recognition & celebration.

grannyjudes profile image

I have never found this forum to be anything other then supportive. In fact not sure I would be where I would be without it, certainly not running. I actually did run 5k when I graduated, but that was a personal goal and a personal choice, it took me all of 50 minutes and I passed a snail and a dead seagull en route ! I think the seagull was going faster then me even in it's dead state ! I am very sad about want2run 2, especially as we had a special private thing going , I have pm her but no reply as yet

GettingFitter profile image

Hear hear EpicMum fact is we are all runners or becoming runners which is better than not being runners

Bazza1234 profile image

I can already run 5ks in 25 minutes!!!! - that is AGE GRADED (of course) :)

I joined this forum back in March this year and in the 3 months or so since then I have found nothing BUT encouragement and support from everyone. I'd also like to think I have been supportive too - I couldn't run a bath on W1 and thought I'd have a cardiac arrest after 33 seconds...

I am sorry that some people think they failed but they need to come back and see the support they've got.. Not once have I seen a negative comment on this forum. Everyone has personal goals (that's why the term PB exists) and I'd like to think people can be proud to let others know of their achievements ... I've never seen anyone be negative about others and their success and I've seen great examples of people supporting others when times were tough (we've all been there)...

I am genuinely surprised at the recent spate of 'debate' and am actually at the point of not bothering with updates on my training to my 'personal' goal as I wouldn't want anyone to think it was a competition.... Given I can barely run 5k in 30 minutes anyway and that I'm under 50% age grading I don't know how... ;)

Running is a personal thing... My PB is 'personal'.. I celebrate yours but I chase mine...

Happy running folks - I'll let y'all know how my 10k goes! ;)

anadelsur profile image
anadelsur in reply to

I like your post and your stats and garmin graphs, and I like to read them because i´m preparing to B210K as soon as I will finish C25K. Best regards. Ana

tanyag_163 profile image
tanyag_163Graduate in reply to

I agree with Ana. I enjoy your posts :-)

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to tanyag_163

and me

no-excuse profile image
no-excuseGraduate in reply to

Please keep posting your updates aussie- I love looking at everyone's achievements. I really cannot understand what the problem is here, this forum has been great for me, and from the comments I have read it appears to be great for many others too. Without the support from everyone here I know for sure that I would have stopped before the end of the 9 weeks. Everyone's goals are personal to them and to be celebrated. x

in reply to no-excuse

Given the way my legs feel today, my next update might be "stayed in bed"... :)

Thanks guys!

runningnearbeirut profile image
runningnearbeirutGraduate in reply to

Ha ha!

But sometimes those updates need to be posted as well. Not just to give us encouragement from the responses, but also to help others feel they're not alone.

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to

Please keep your goals, achievements, stats, graphs etc, coming. I think the majority of people realise that these are 'your goals' and you should be proud and able to share with us all when you reach them. I enjoy reading about your achievements and I enjoy studying your stats/graphs.

in reply to paul2014

Thanks Paul - I think we experienced a brief blip in the Matrix... I suspect we will return to normal programming shortly... :)

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to

Lol. Hope so ;)

I_will profile image
I_willGraduate in reply to

Yeah, don't stop posting your achievements. For me, seeing the achievements of others is greatly encouraging even if I'm not likely to be able to do that myself. It's great to see people trying to be the best they can and aiming high.

We can all aim to be the best we can :-)

Lavender1962 profile image

I enjoy hearing about people achieving their goals whatever they are. If people want to do 5k in 30 minutes, good for them. My goal is to run for 30 minutes without stopping. There is no obligation for us all to have the same goals. I thought we were all here to encourage each other, no matter what. People posting their times shouldn't be a problem. I have never seen anyone on this forum impose pressure on anyone else. It is sad what id happening here.

spoonierunning profile image

I havent seen 5k in 30 minutes being promoted as the goal of the programme by anyone, I do know that for a few that is their own personal aim for the programme and that's great for them, but wow 30 minutes of running no matter how far or fast you go is an amazing acheievement.

I picked this programme because the graduation requirement was to become a runner and not just reach a set distance and I am proud to stand up and say I'm a runner. I'm a baby runner but nonetheless I am a runner.

I have noticed that there has been a lot of confusion recently, but replies have always been supportive and consistent with the 30 minutes of running and 5k is just a bonus goal, wether you can do that in 30 minutes or 50 it doesn't matter as that's a personal goal.

I am really sorry that Fitmo feels the forum is no longer a place for her, she has been a constant source of encouragement and really helped my with my lyrca issues as well as being a voice of such great advice for everyone.

I have to say after reading this I felt that maybe my posts about my goal to improve my 5k and my journey to get there is no longer wanted and I have been seriously debating wether or not I should continue posting :(

I've never found it nothing but encouraging to read posts from people who have gone on because I know they started out like me, and I love hearing about peoples stats, it doesn't make me feel bad for being slow because I am out there running, and who else am I going to share stats with?

I think maybe it's time for a group hug.

no-excuse profile image
no-excuseGraduate in reply to spoonierunning

You carry on posting your journey spoonie, I really love reading about everyone's achievements, good runs, bad runs, whatever. Our goals are just that, ours, so post away x

tanyag_163 profile image
tanyag_163Graduate in reply to spoonierunning

Do keep on posting. Your posts are always so uplifting, and I admire your grit and determination.

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to spoonierunning

spoonierunning please continue posting your goals, aims and achievements, I for one enjoy reading about them.

kickibro profile image

Fitmo, in my opinion, has always been so kind and supportive of everyone here and I am very sorry if she feels slighted by anyone. I can also bang on about something and am less than tolerant when I get a bee in my bonnet. I mean, I have spent so much energy trying to get members of my family to run that they are seriously tiring of my bordering on harassing preaches :D They now just yell "Oh will you shut up abput bloody running! "

I think we are all different and try to embrace everyone even people like me who may preach their latest thing at me. I agree with the geoup hug suggestion.

stevecm3 profile image

I was under the "impression" the goal of the programme was to run nonstop for 30 minutes. Unless I missed something we are all individuals and set our own personal goals. Never have I read that you "need" to do u sub 30 minute 5k. This forum for the most part is informative, supportive and a lot of fun to read. It’s also a great place to get advice when things are not going as you would expect.

We’re all adults here, why wouldn’t you celebrate the fact that someone can run a sub 30 minute 5k or the fact that someone is managing to run for a minute without stopping or the fact that some can do half marathons, full marathons?

Any achievement should be shared because it’s all relevant to what that individual is doing, it’s not about what people should do.

To those that can run sub 30 minute 5k I say well done. To those who are just starting out and have managed to run week one and are heading towards week two I say well done……… we all started at the same point, it’s only natural we will achieve / want different things from our running lives, I am nothing but inspired by the posts on this forum

notbad profile image

It's 2 years this month since I joined the site and started the programme and on this forum certain themes do repeat. I have never known there not be a time when some members will get anxious and frustrated about not getting 5k in 30 minutes, I was one such person, then I wasn't, then I was again .... I've had a lot of injuries which have knocked me back, the upside is I'm a lot more accepting of my frailties now. It's human nature IMO to set ourselves goals and beat ourselves up sometimes, it's internally driven and in part it's what gets us up off the couch, usually though there is a gradual dawning that this isn't important and people work through it. That's what I've observed and experienced anyway.

I was reading a very inspiring article last night about a runner called Jim Alder who got gold in the 66 Commonwealth games marathon, amongst other things. Reading about his training was fascinating, and he was extolling the benefits of the long easy paced run, he stated it was time out there running which was the important thing, not distance covered. I personally absolutely agree with this. Here's the article if anyone is interested:

Anyway to get back to the topic, personally I don't blog much here, but I do comment on others blogs frequently, I never mention my times anymore, it's okay by me if people do though, if it's important to them then that's okay by me. One of the fastest people on here is also very encouraging of everyone, I won't mention his name as he is very modest, but I guess most of you will know who I mean (begins with an A ;-) it's great to read about his progress, and everyone else's too. I'm sure this time next year someone or other (who isn't yet running at this time) will be writing about how they can't reach 5k in 30 minutes and hopefully (I'm sure) other members will post to tell them that's fine and they will look at things differently.

Really sorry to read about bad feeling though, that is a first for me in this 2 years. Perhaps when things have cooled down the members involved can discuss it, re-joining if necessary. Life's too short.

spud-i-am profile image

as a recent convert , aims and goals is what is getting me through, if the goal is to run for 30 mins and the title is couch to 5K it's not unreasonable to set a personal objective of combining both ……. each to their own and bitching about others doesn't achieve much.

I will freely admit that I don't post on many forums, so my experience is limited, but still valid non-the-less. I find this forum to be an incredibly positive place; a place of support; a place of encouragement; a place of refuge after a bad run; a place of celebration after a good one....I cannot understand why anyone (troll?) would want to try and bring it down with adverse comments.

I would encourage anyone on here to just ignore anyone who posts negatively so as not to give the poster the satisfaction of a reply.

The aim of C25K seems to be 5K OR 30 mins ~ not 5K in 30 mins. OK, if you can do this, then I will freely admit that you are a better runner than I am, and I will give you my heartiest congratulations. Anyone's achievements should be celebrated, whether that is starting, completing W1R1 or graduating and beyond.

Ignore bad posts and keep running, The chances are that the bad posters are not runners, but spend all of their sad little lives playing on their computers, while we are out there in the real world. I feel quite sad for them.

Happy running.

Keepitup profile image

I have recently posted on here about my slow speeds and my lack of enjoyment at running. I know it is my own fault, I have been pushing myself way to hard, I admit it. But I wanted to prove to myself I could run 5k. I am under no illusion that I would achieved this in 30 minutes as I am over 50, short and about 4 stone overweight. I am so proud of the fact that I have managed what I have. I started the course in March, before that I was lucky if I could run to the local bus stop without stopping at least once. I have taken the advice of others on here and gone back to running for 30 minutes, and do you know what? I actually found it enjoyable. I am so grateful for the encouragement of everyone on this forum. Thank you one and all

in reply to Keepitup

And that's what it's all about! Good for you! Happy running! If it ain't fun, it ain't a run... :)

Pollypanda profile image

I've had lots of goals. My intial goal was to pull my trainers on and complete Week 1. Then it was to complete Week 2. Then to complete that terrifying 20min run at the end of Week 5! Now I've got more confidence, my goals are to complete the programme, and then aim for running 5K in 30 minutes. I may get there, I may not. But whilst it's important for me to have a goals to work towards to keep me motivated, it's equally important to have people cheering me on, whether it's my husband, my RL friends who are also completed the C25K and this forum.

Which is why I'm genuinely surprised and disappointed that this post has been made. I'm a new member and have been reading the forum for the past few weeks and until now I've found nothing but warm and supportive comments. To be honest, after reading this I don't really feel like posting updates.

notbad profile image
notbadGraduate in reply to Pollypanda

Pollypanda, please don't be off put by this - as I wrote in 2 years I've not seen anything like this, it's just a blip. This forum is for you, and it's people like you which make it work! :-)

misswobble profile image

I am sorry to hear we've had a spat but that's real life but we can crack on. This forum is so supportive and Mo is THE most supportive of the posters on here, encouraging everyone and being helpful about everything under the sun.

We all have our aims and objectives with our running, and that's what keeps us motivated to keep putting on our running shoes and improving our health. We all get carried away at times, but our bodies rebel and kick us into touch.

We support Paul in his runnings too and understand what he needs to do. I hope we support everyone in the same way

If you can't gloat about your running achievements on a running forum, then where can you?

I don't see anything wrong with having a goal in mind - being to run 5k in 30 mins... that's what I'm aiming for and I'm not ashamed to admit it, that IS the name of the programme, after all!

Obviously everyone is different and some people are slower and some people are faster. There's nothing wrong with having a personal goal however and I thought this forum was meant for encouragement - not hissy fits.

Nilzed profile image

To be honest, a very nice person here was maybe too encouraging, suggesting that maybe i didnt need to repeat my runs so much and probably i could really do the next level sooner if just went ahead and did. I felt a bit pushed. After many of the encouraging messages not to repeat so much, i went ahead despite my misgivings on the 'completeness' of my runs. It was disastrous to my mindset which was underpinned on repeating until i completed with ease. I moved on after a week in which runs could be generously described as complete, minus 20 seconds running here and there. I didnt get injured, but such a very bad run, like my very first, did my head in.

I was flabbergasted later, while still muddling about in skipping runs and maybe i should start over land, when this person supportively told someone else that they had had to repeat things so many times. As much as i had. Well!

I hadnt noticed anyone being arrogant and loudmouthed. But you never know, even what is meant as gentle encouragement can be misheard.

There are several who jump in quickly to advise against any alteration to the program, both repeating if one is that unfit, or skipping if one actually isnt so bad. I know of one newbie who was so bothered by responses like this to her first post that she never came back. I know her on Fitbit, she is in her 20s and not so unfit as many of us, so she did skip ahead until it got hard, and then followed the program and finished the 5k/30 min in about 6 weeks.

I think it is good to see the program as having 2 goals: a time and a distance. Most folks will meet the time, some few will meet the distance, depending on their relative fitness at the beginning. The program is designed to take 9 weeks, but depending on your relative fitness/mental attitude/self image, might take longer, or might be shorter too. The most i portant thing it teaches isnt really the time or distance, it is the body awareness and the germ of an idea that you are in charge of this situation.

tomlertoos profile image

Hi Fitmo! So sorry you've been upset, although I can see that the preoccupation with 5K AND minutes can be dispiriting....I've been trying to maintain a 3 times a week run, but 5K/30 minutes might as well be a dream as far as my experience goes....please be aware that many of us love hearing from you! If you remember you and I graduated at about the same time....I shall really miss you if you go.....all good wishes.....x

BettysbOps profile image

The two main messages that I get out of the forum at any time from folks postings - whether it be Parkrun, C25K, B210K, HMs, RfLs, personal musings, injury updates are as follows:

1) Education. Thanks to this forum I know how to properly stretch after a run. I know how not to get injured and what to do if it happens. I know what I will be doing as my next programme after the C25K is over (thanks MilesYonder). I even know what playlists to download to get a certain BPM when I am trying to keep a steady pace.

2) Celebration. I get insipred by the achievements of others, and when I post about my achievements I am very much spreading the gospel of "if I can do it honestly anyone can" and "this programme is the nuts". I see folks that were slogging away on Week 5 when I joined this forum proudly displaying "Graduate" badges beside their name. That motivates me big time. And I hope to stay on here post graduation (tomorrow) to boost others' confidence when they are flagging or feeling low PLUS to record what "Life after graduation" is like.

Let's not get petty with each other, I am so sure that nobody here is being a blowhard or belittler.

Lord knows we're all slogging our guts to get to our goal whether it be 5k or 50k, so let's not stop people tooting their horn a wee bit.

If I complete W9R3 tomorrow it'll be a flippin' klaxon - BEWARE!


emkeenan profile image
emkeenanGraduate in reply to BettysbOps

Too right! I await the klaxon! :D

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to BettysbOps

Looking forward to that klaxon Betty :)

no-excuse profile image
no-excuseGraduate in reply to BettysbOps

We are waiting! Have a good run tomorrow! :-) x

Anniemurph profile image

Okay, guys, I don't post much on here any more, but I am now rolling up my sleeves and flexing my fingers. I started C25K just over two years ago, 5 stone overweight and unable to run the first 60 seconds. It took me 50 runs to graduate, not 27. Over the last two years I have progressed and regressed, some of it due to injury, some of it due to motivation or lack thereof. I will never be able to run 5K in 30 minutes. I am not really interested in running more than 5K. I applaud those who go on to run faster/longer/whatever, but that's not my thing. I don't post much on here - the last revamp of the HU website really put me off, and this one isn't helping either. FB is easier, to be honest. I used to respond to posts on here and then got a bit discouraged when many (newer) people didn't respond individually as I'd become used to with my cadre, as I thought of them. But hey, this still remains the most supportive community I've ever come across. Look at it this way - I'm still 4 stone overweight but I'm still running - sort of :D At the moment, I can't even do much more than 3 minute intervals again (depressing) but I'm still out there, still checking the posts daily on here, still giggling at questions on which knickers, dead seagulls etc. and commiserating (if silently) with people on ITB, FP and asthma etc. problems. If I don't like a post, I ignore it. I do think it's sad that people get upset by some posts, but we each have our own opinions and you never quite know how someone is going to read your post. Personally, I think it's a bit misleading that C25K is named as it is because as I said earlier, I will never reach 5K in 30 minutes without the aid of a skateboard - but C230mins isn't quite as catchy. But the beauty of this programme is that it can be for everyone. Some people go on to run marathons. Fantastic! I never will. Okay! But I'm still running. And that's just great :)

tomlertoos profile image
tomlertoosGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

Bless your heart!! I'm with you....

Camperfan profile image

I'm a newbie and am just aiming at running my 90 sec intervals at the moment. I did a 5k charity run last year in about 55 mins, which was mainly walking. For me it's about regular exercise that has a positive effect mentally and hopefully physically too. Everyone is different. I cycled off road for 125 miles 3 years ago, but at that time I could not run more than about 6 foot! Each challenge is a personal one, no need for conflict! I sound like a right hippy! Peace xx

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