I have completed C25K twice now but don't feel that I'm improving at all. For the past 2 months I run at least 3 times a week (early mornings suit me best), I make sure I eat breakfast and have some water before I go out. I don't go too fast - in fact any slower and I'd be going backwards, but I've found that I just can't manage more than 30 mins running. The last few "runs" I only got to 23 mins before my legs totally gave out. I'm starting to think "whats the point?". I know everyone has a bad run now and again but all of mine seem to be bad lately. Surely by now it should be a breeze to run for 30 mins but I'm really struggling. Any ideas what else I can do to improve?
When does it get easy?: I have completed C25K... - Couch to 5K
When does it get easy?

I am new to this site as just setting out on the C25K (week 4) and I just want to say that running 23 minutes sounds amazing and I'm sure will be doing you loads of good. I think even in 4 weeks I am less puffed going up and down stairs for instance so you must be have become a lot fitter without perhaps realizing. Anyway, just wanted to wish you good luck and I hope someone who is more experienced than me can give you some good advice.

Perhaps you need a bit of variety. Can you change your route/go round your normal one in the opposite direction?
Have you tried the C25K+ podcasts? They might help by giving you a bit of structure. Stepping stones is the "easiest" so if you haven't done so, then try that one first.
What do you listen to on the way round? I usually listen to speech as I find it quite distracting in the right kind of way. I'm really a bit rubbish about running to a beat, but others will be able to give you more advice on how to track down suitable music for your natural pace.
I know you read a lot of posts here about stats and pbs, etc, but really you're doing a great job by getting out there and running. Try not to put pressure on yourself to make yourself feel you HAVE to enjoy the run or it SHOULD be easy. Feel proud of what you're achieving and hopefully you have some things you can gloat about in terms the benefits you are reaping because of all your hard work.

Hi want2run, lots of runners hit (what I call) a brick wall and sometimes its about the same time for many runs. For me it can be around 5-8 minutes into a run. The secret is to make some changes to take your mind off your 'brick wall' so try taking different routes, some new music and even change your food intake before your run. Also adjust your starting speed, slowly to begin and build up your speed more gradually. Perhaps do some short 20 minute runs too. These are all things that I have tried and tested over the (nearly) 4 years I've been running. Hopefully one or more of my ideas may help and I'm sure there will be others on the site who will have other ideas that may help too.

Firstly...brilliant achievement!!! Secondly all of the above but you might try strengthening your core and legs it might help......easily done and plenty on the internet...planks for core ( you can build these up..I couldn't do 20 seconds but ended up doing 2 minutes) squats and lunges Tec.Don't give up you have come too far and gone through a lot to achieve this fitness

Hey! I know how you feel! I graduated about 3 months ago and have regularly been going out 3 times a week (ish) and I've never done more than 30 mins either. In fact the last 2 weeks - I haven't managed more than 20.
So tonight I decided enough was enough & I tried out the post C25k podcasts for the first time. I did the stamina one - and it was reeeeeally tough. But it was great to have Laura back again and I've started to get a sense of achievement again like I did before.
So I agree with the guys above - why don't you try something different? But don't give up - what you've done so far is amazing!!!

what do you want to achieve? do you want to go faster? longer? more frequently.? Continue at this level? ..really think about your goal, then you can work backwards and set yourself targets to achieve it....and a goal could be to continue to run for 30 minutes 3 times a week...that is an achievement in itsef...we all want different things, and it needs to be something you enjoy and want to achieve...well done too

We also all have our own personal limits - some people were born to run , others (like me) learn to run (a bit) - but there is no way that I was ever born to run We alos have our physical limits -- I know that there are short Marathon champions , but I am short and I know I never will be a Marathon chanmpion
The we get to the question of how much extra weight are we carrying around when running???

I agree about the speech to listen to. This morning I have continued listening to A History of Disability (a BBC R4 podcast from a series that was on last year) Listening to the history of wooden legs put my shuffle into perspective!

Thanks everyone for your words of wisdom. I think my main goal is to be able to run for longer and perhaps aim for 10k (sometime in the very distant future). I also like listening to music while I run but perhaps I should try speech instead to see if that takes my mind off my legs screaming at me. Happy running

Hi want2run.
I was very resistant to the idea of running with anyone else but since I joined a running club I have been amazed at how far I seem to run without noticing. If you run slowly enough to be able to exchange a few words with a running partner in my experience the K's fly by a lot quicker. Of course you need a mate or a group whose comfortable pace is the same as yours = you don't want it to be a competition , but I find a once a week run with the club has become a real help in my training.