Hi everyone! Home from a week's hols and glad to escape the bloody heat and hedonism observed. Only managed one treadmill run over there and boy that was tedious! It was pouring down here last night but the canal run beckoned and I duly succumbed. A very speedy 13k followed, seeing all my buddies again, ok! swans, ducks etc make good pals really! It was probably my best run ever - even better than the 23 ks, Even better!!! Not because of the pb either. It was because I realised the magic of running free give us. A little gratitude; Thank you legs for allowing me this great hobby that I never dreamed of this time last year. Thank you lovely forum people. your posts are all inspiring! Continue loving your love of running too!! spreading virtual energy to you all !!! and no... I haven't been on the vino- not until Friday! <3
Back and Raring to Go!!: Hi everyone! Home from... - Couch to 5K
Back and Raring to Go!!

Welcome back Carole. Lovely to hear you spreading the love and the gratitude. 13k in the rain and overjoyed? That's when you know know you're well and truly addicted!!

Yes - truly addicted when you prefer getting home to running to being away on holiday!

Hi carole, glad you are back on your canal runs! Its great isn't it, to just get out there and enjoy it without worrying about speed or distance. x

Thank you KittyKat! Glad you had great run too! I love your support on here. Efforts to respond make a huge difference - Keep posting, keep running

Well done carole. I hope you had a lovely holiday. Great run by the way!
Hey...welcome back ! Sounds like you're glad to be back on home ground too .
Your joy and enthusiasm for running just sings out of this post...lovely to read x

Hi Carole and thank you! - Our work takes us away, yet my haven is here! Holidays are always combined with work and it never leaves you. Dubai is very hot!! Itching to run is the phrase of the week! and can honestly say it was remedied!! Nice feeling to be home and hope you are continuing your beautiful runs en France

My cousin lives in Dubai but yearns to be home in Derbyshire
My running isn't progressing much at the mo. I did get a PB Monday but that was the first run for a bit due to dodgy ankle. I just took another painkiller ready for going out again. If it hurts again afterwards I'm going to have to rethink everything. I had a race pencilled in for the beginning of July. Not intending to be placed of course as it's a serious hilly course but I just wanted to think I could do it. It looks in doubt to be honest.
Well done on the pb, Sorry to hear about ankle I hope you didn't try to run today, best to rest until completely better. You still have plenty of time for your race. Conserve your energy until fit. You won't lose much strength in the meantime. Hills though... I shudder at the thought!! Last hill I did was on tip toes puffing like a rabid dog! Respect misswobble - you will be fine and rest that ankle!! xx