Parkrun No 6 is tomorrow but I have this feeling that the whole weekend will be a total disaster. For some reason I'm just not myself! Maybe I'm just tired!
Happy running
Parkrun No 6 is tomorrow but I have this feeling that the whole weekend will be a total disaster. For some reason I'm just not myself! Maybe I'm just tired!
Happy running
i'm doing it tomorrow as well having not run for 2 weeks am just going to go along, take it nice and steady, not care if i come last, and maybe walk a bit too.
I always seem to have my best runs when I am like that. For example, the other day I did
I always seem to have my best runs when I am like that. For example, the other day I didn't feel at all like a run and then managed to run 10k for first time! Get an early night. Sweet dreams xxx
Hope you feel better in the morning I nearly didn't go to Parkrun last week as i was on my own and knew it would be squishy underfoot but really enjoyed it once i got going. Do what feels best for you, don't be down on yourself
Oh come on, pip pip! As they used to say in the old days wnen folks needed geeing up
Things are never as bad as we fear they're going to be. Just do it, then it's done and you can get on
Good luck
Thank you. Still not great but I am hoping it will make me feel better. Generally when I do a class or go for a run it helps! I've suffered with Depression on and off since I was a teen. Just think it might be trying to sneak up on me a bit!
I don't know if this is what is happening here for the OP -- but the problem that I see with Parkrun is that almost everybody eventually gets sucked into trying to run PBs!!!! The bottom line is that we cannot continue to improve our running (in terms of times ) continually - but I do suspect that many do indeed strive for this and it is too much!!!!
It is also very difficult to increase PB times - because as you are running, you really don't know what pace you are doing exactly so often people suffer disappointment at the end of a run when continually striving for better and better PB's.
On the other hand - with distance running , you can ALWAYS improve your PB every time you run. You can ALWAYS run just that little bit further than you ran last week!!
This is the bottom line reason why I am more attracted to running longer distances than 5K.
I think this is true for a lot of people, me included. Today I went and decided t try something different and run in a heart rate zone. So I set my monitor to beep at me when I went above a set rate, then walked til it had dropped 10 beats a minute. I was slower, but I didn't get the 'I can't do this' feeling. Makes me think I push myself a bit too much on parkruns, so m going to work on improving my fitness a bit more before working on my times again. Having said tha, without bit of a competitive streak in me, I would have given up long ago. I need that push t get my time betteras distance sent appeal all that much to me. 10k I'll probably be my limit.
Trust the run went o.k. I normally feel better after the run than before so hopefully it will kick start your metabolism. I always run/jog the 2.5k to the park. This morning it was a jog/walk as i was so lethargic. The first 1k every man and his dog went passed me before my body rallied and i started picking up places. I feel much better since the parkrun - hopefully you have the same experience.