Road rage!: Has anyone else experienced... - Couch to 5K

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Road rage!

turnturtle profile image
12 Replies

Has anyone else experienced inconsiderate drivers when they're running? Last week I was plodding along a local quiet single track country lane ( on the right hand side kerb as they advise) when a horn blasted out repeatedly behind me. Startled I leaped into the undergrowth (the verge is waist high in grass and cow parsley) as a van swept past at around 30 miles an hour. I shook my fist, which was obviously pointless as drivers like that are unlikely to use their wing mirrors. I dismissed it as a one off , but then, yesterday on the same lane, now covered in puddles, I realised that a 'lady' in an oncoming Range Rover had no intention whatsoever of slowing down as she passed me. Again I sprang aside (this time into the ditch) in the nick of time and was rewarded by being sprayed from head to foot by muddy water as she sailed past. This time I think there may have been some fingers projecting from the fist I waved. I was wearing my fetching fluorescent pink running top so surely she must have seen me? God help cyclists and horse riders when there are drivers like this around. Grrrrr. Rant over.

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turnturtle profile image
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12 Replies
ju-ju- profile image

yep...I had that on my long run last Sunday which takes me down some narrow country lanes. I was at 16k really tired and I heard a car coming, I knew there was enough room, but the idiot SPED UP and flew past me at a rate of knots. I did swear at him ( although he was long gone). The other is them spraying you with water from puddles...makes me mad!! I hope you aren't too shaken up, its horrible...

misswobble profile image

Inconsiderate baskets! I know a lady who has a Range Rover and she admits to giving way to no-one, even those coming uphill. Cow! It's bullying. They own a tank so you have to suffer. You just have to hope they get a flat tyre and need your help. Yeah right matey. Up yours.

Such ignorant g*ts! Don't let em get you down TT!

You guys are so brave running up those small country roads - I get scared enough just driving along them sometimes - and I drive a Mini! LOL

Stay safe and make sure you wear something high-vis! x

dottiemay profile image

Have to admit, I wouldn't dare run on country roads around here - it's bad enough driving on them and being intimidated by 4 x 4s and vans! My brother-in-law is a cyclist and says he feels much safer on A-roads than lanes for exactly the same reason as you've described.

Having said that...I was nearly taken out by a woman on a mobility scooter on Weds, belting round a corner and looking at her watch! And yes, I did shout at her and shock her!!

Ullyrunner profile image

Some people are just downright thoughtless and unpleasant! When they get in their cars they behave in a way that they wouldn't if you met them face to face. Glad you were alright, but it shakes you up doesn't it?

swanscot profile image

Sorry to hear you've encountered such nasty, inconsiderate drivers.

I'm very lucky and have never had a bad experience when out running - and all my road running is done on singletrack roads with passing places. In fact yesterday I had a helpful female driver pull into a passing place to wait for me, when I was about 30m from the passing place! I was already puffing and panting at this point, on the final uphill stretch of the road to my house, but had to dig deep to find a little more energy to speed up so as not to keep her waiting too long!

turnturtle profile image
turnturtleGraduate in reply to swanscot

Of course most drivers are okay swanscot and I always smile and gasp 'thank you' when they give me wide berth. But it's the road hogs you remember!

turnturtle profile image

It was bad enough in the days when I rode horses. I waved a speeding 4x4 to slow down once when I was riding a young horse along a country road ( it was as much for his protection as mine as he would have realised if he'd got half a ton of horse through his windscreen). The driver sped past, then screeched to a halt 20 yards down the road before getting out and yelling at me 'I'll slow down for horses when they pay effing road taxes' !

Moosetgoose profile image

I had my elbow clipped with a wing mirror before, I live in a small village tho and knew who it was, he always drives like a maniac. very annoying though...

Rob_and_his_westie profile image

Just got back from my run this morning - I was very nearly hit by an idiot in a car who must have been doing 50+ in a 30 mph area - and this on a country road out of my village with no pavements on the edge. I was wearing dayglo yellow top to tail and he could see me from more than 100m away. In some places I think they call that 'attempted murder', but I'll be generous when it comes to sentencing and won't press for anything more than 30 years hard labour in a North Korean labour camp.

turnturtle profile image
turnturtleGraduate in reply to Rob_and_his_westie

Hope you got his number! What's the point of driving tests if they don't teach you to be aware of hazards? Maybe there should be an IQ test too!

Bianx profile image

You can report them to the police for dangerous driving. It probably won't get anywhere but would make me feel better. I run over fields so am lucky not to encounter this, but have encountered a few dogs barking at me or trying to get at me. I've had to tell people a few times to keep an eye on their dogs. I just wish everyone would be more considerate (inc some runners)! Xxx

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