6 X PB'S TODAY - SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!: It's... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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danzargo profile image
46 Replies

It's difficult sometimes isn't it? You have the best run of your entire life and you want to scream it from the rooftops, but at the same time you don't want to appear arrogant or smug. I think you all know me well enough to know that I'm neither of the latter, so here goes ;


There. Got it out. Thanks for letting me do that, oh fellow bloggers. My bum muscles are buzzing with slight over use and my right shin is slightly buzzy also, but apart from that I am in good shape. This is how I did it......

Decided last night to do a 10K today and run the entire way around Richmond Park. I have done this once before and really enjoyed it, though it was INCREDIBLY HARD. I wasn't expecting anything less today as I parked my car at Pembroke Lodge, but thought I would run in a clockwise direction this time around. I set off and ignored the slight ache in my left glute thinking that it would disappear once I'd warmed up. I was right and it soon went away as I tonked down Sawyers Hill at a fair old pace. This is part of the same Park Run I did last Saturday so it was familiar territory. Reached Roehampton Gate and turned right, keeping my pace going steady and as the ground was flat, my body was dealing quite well with the terrain. The sun was blinking in and out and the air temperature was perfect for running. As I ran through the trees and smelt the flowers and the grass, I was in heaven. What better way to keep fit than to run in your local park - no monthly fees, no annoying pumping music and no unpleasant smell of sweating bodies, just birds tweeting, the odd dog walker and the smell of springtime in your nostrils! I'm out of work at the moment (I'm a freelancer) which is a bit worrying for me for various reasons, but todays running pumped endorphines into my bloodstream keeping the worry at bay.

At 22 minutes of fairly fast pace it was time to stop for a recovery walk. I kept this to ONE minute then I was off again. Unfortunately I could only manage another 1.2K before I had to stop again, but quickly recovered to set off towards Mount Everest - or at least that's what it felt like. OMG!!!! This hill I encountered was sooooo steep and I tried and tried to "jog" up the hill at almost minus miles per hour speed. I reached the top and decided I wasn't going to pass the two alarmingly attractive ladies who were out power walking in their lycra capris - at least not yet! Had to take another breather after reaching the summit of the mountain and then I was off again, powering towards the two lycra ladies. I passed them at a fair old speed as they chatted at 100mph to each other and it was on this section that I became almost possessed! There was a long downhill section coming up and I couldn't believe the rate my legs were going. The walks had revitalised me, allowing me to get my breath back and I was in Ferrari Mode!! Passed a man and his dog.......now chasing down another lovely lycra lady.....I was gaining on her at about 45mph (or at least that's how it seemed) and had to mount the grass verge to get past her because if I'd gone the other way I would have taken a tumble. EEEEeeeeeeeeowwwwww.......(Ferrari noise)

It was time to turn right again for the final stretch back to the car and it was here my legs started to say "Oi! Numpty! Yeah you! What the bleedin' blazes was all that just now? You want to kill me or summink?". I was facing an uphill stretch, not steep, but long and wearing so I slowed my pace right down and allowed my legs to keep plodding in a slow manner. Up and down the path went in long stretches and I looked at my watch - I had run for 52 minutes and the car wasn't that far away. Could I get a personal best? Could I keep up the energy to make it to the car without stopping? "Go on Dan! Push that body. Punish that body!" yelled the mantra of a fellow contributor here in my head. And suddenly there was the car park! I fished the phone out of my pocket to make sure I'd run 10K (in fact I'd run 10.4K) and I stopped, but this time for the warm down walk.

Reached the car and did my stretches immediately cos I think I'd given the old bod a pretty good seeing to on this run. Once in the car I gingerly looked at my phone - 58'27!!! I had done it. I'd gone the fastest time I'd ever done over 10K. But there was more excitement to come.....

I showered and got myself ready to pop down to the hairdressers to get my hair cut with Jeff (our local guy). He said to me "You look so well!" I told him about my run earlier and his wife (also a hairdresser) then jumped in and told me to sign up for the Turks Head Fun Run in June!!! I think I just might.......Whatcha reckon?


Anyway I checked my stats online with Endomondo. WOWZA! ;

Fastest Cooper (12 min) - 2.28km

one hour - 10.23km

1 mile - 8 min 19 sec

3K - 15 min 54 sec

3 miles - 26 min 27 sec

10K - 58 min 27 sec

I was just 2 seconds off a best 5K too!!! But boy am I happy.

Thank you for indulging me. I'm agog at how our bodies continues to amaze us! Right.....time to paint a window.

Bye and thanks for reading.


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danzargo profile image
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46 Replies
Jaqs99 profile image

Fantastic achievement. Hope the window painting goes just as well, definitely need walking breaks for that. inspirational blog as always.. Cheers.

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to Jaqs99

Thanks jaqs99. The window is now done and dusted, and I'm still buzzing from this mornings run. Just goes to show how amazing running can make you feel.

Beek profile image

BRILLIANT DAN! We can really feel your happiness while you wallow! Your posts are always a great read. Well done for all the PB's :) :) :)

To all the newbies out there - This is what it's all about!


danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to Beek

Ahhh thanks Beek. Appreciate that.

Tomas profile image

Wow, you have certainly earned the righ5t to shout it from the roof tops. Well done Dan!

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to Tomas


ChrisL profile image

Well done Dan. Great run.

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to ChrisL

Cheers chrisL. Walk breaks.....walk breaks.....walk breaks......!

ChrisL profile image
ChrisLGraduate in reply to danzargo

Are you a convert to run/walk now then Dan? I note that you leave it till you are already quite knackered before you take your 1st walk break which is not quite how Jeff Galloway recommends...

On my other recent post you will see that I have been doing 10k without the walk breaks and, although I can do it OK and feel fine immediately afterwards, I am knackered later in the day and the following day. I wonder if that is the lack of walk breaks?

BTW your link to that fun run doesn't seem to work. Can you please repost it. Ta

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to ChrisL

Sure thang, here you go ;


Regarding walk breaks, I feel better doing it this way as it seems to work for my body. That's not to say I reserve the right to change my mind at a later date!!!

Treemouse profile image

That's brilliant news Dan! According to Runkeeper, I beat 11 PBs, but that was my first run mapped with them, so everyone was a best one! You really are enjoying this, and it's such an inspiration to the rest of us who hope to start enjoying it when we get fitter! Keep posting and enjoy the rest of your day :)

PS Do you use Endomondo Pro or the std. version? I tried Endomondo but had a few runs where it stopped halfway through.

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to Treemouse

Standard freebie version of Endomondo and in 12 months and 119 runs, it's only gone on the blink once. But that could be because where I live there misght be looooads satellites nearby! Hahaha!

misswobble profile image

Well done Dan the Man. Enter the fun run, of course.

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to misswobble

Thanks MW. And just have entered the fun run. What the heck!

no-excuse profile image

Nice one Dan! All those PB's too! Yeh, enter for the fun run x

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to no-excuse

Cheers no-excuse. I have already entered!

Cheery_runner61 profile image

Wonderful inspiring post as always, Dan. Thank you for allowing me to share this while being 'back on the couch' at the moment. Unfortunately no Ferrari sound effects for me, but hopefully will be building up to power walking shortly - though doubt I'll rival any of your lycra-clad ladies haha! Take care, and hope work comes your way soon x

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to Cheery_runner61

Ahhh, well I hope your body recovers soon for you so you too can get out there clad from head to toe in a lycra catsuit and STUN the world!!

Cheery_runner61 profile image
Cheery_runner61Graduate in reply to danzargo

Haha! Now there's a thought! Body will take a while as having chemo at moment and building up walks on good days, but I'LL BE BACK!!! And may even treat myself to that lycra catsuit - can maybe join Juju in some panthering! x

runningnearbeirut profile image

Sounds like a great run, well done!

Very impressive to get a PB for a Cooper in a 10k run!

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to runningnearbeirut

Thanks rnb. God knows how, but there you go. Sometimes when I feel I'm going well the stats come back and say "actually that wasn't as good as you thought", and then days like today when 6 come along at once. Amazeballs!

kickibro profile image

Wowzers! Dan's the man! I bet you are all fired up ready to paint that window and looking rather handsome too with your new haircut :)

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to kickibro

Window painted! Hair looking amazing! Still feeling super duper after todays run!

kickibro profile image
kickibroGraduate in reply to danzargo

Proper runbunny .... I am all aches after just 5k this morning and hair is not looking great :D

Rockette profile image

Well done dan , that's fantastic ! You should be really proud of yourself & we would never think of you as smug ! & if you can't tell us ! Really pleased for you .

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to Rockette

Thanks Rockette. I do feel for the injured folks (like you recently) out there who are desperate to get out and pound the parks and pavements which is why sometimes the last thing you want to read is someone going "Look at me!" But thanks for your kind words. Nice forum this innit?

Rockette profile image
Rockette in reply to danzargo

You shouldn't feel that way dan , you have had your share of set backs , & I personally & I'm sure others do , find it inspiring to read how great your doing now .

Brilliant post, brilliant run and brilliant time. You deserve to be happy about it - you've earned the right. My very best wishes for your continued progress.

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to

Cheers fitmo! You are most kind.

Realfoodieclub profile image

I love the fact people share on this site, it gives so much inspiration to all. I was picturing your route round, as is it wasent that long ago I took my bike round on my first long ride. You will be pleased to know you beat my cycle time with those legs of yours. I did have to push that bike up Mount Everest though and running up there is no mean feat. Well done on all your personal bests and long may they continue.

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Now hang on RFC? I beat your cycle time??? Bloomin' 'eck! I'm glad you're familiar with the park cos it does have some mighty hard sections, as well at least 3 mega downhills. Thanks so much for your kind words.

Ullyrunner profile image

Fantastic Dan! You seem to be going from strength to strength and it's absolutely okay to revel in your achievements! You should be jolly proud of yourself

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner

Awwww thanks chuck!

notbad profile image

If happiness is a PB then 6 must indeed be amazeballs :-) and Richmond Park must be beautiful to run in.

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to notbad

It is gorgeous to run in, but tough!! Thanks NB

aliboo70 profile image

Yay Superdan that amazing! you just keep getting faster! And hardly recognised you in your new profile photo, did you fancy a change?!! Your jolly blogs are always a joy to read, don't ever stop!! :)

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Cheers aliboo! Appreciate that. Yes, fancied a change of pic. I do that now and again....

danzargo profile image

I love this idea!!!

Miles_Yonder profile image

Mr Dan, good sir, I'm not really a wearer of hats, but if I did, I'd take mine off to you. That really is excellent going and a great time; there's absolutely nothing arrogant at all in shouting it from the rooftops. It's a huge achievement and you should be proud and announcing it to everyone; I'm not big-headed either but I'd be just the same, especially here with people who understand just what you've gone through to get to this stage and just what it means to you. Well done, sir; what you've done today is certainly impressive; I hope one day I'll be able to achieve such an excellent time. I love reading your posts; you're an inspiration and I don't know about anyone else, but you keep me motivated! A hearty well done again, sir. :-)

The fun run looks excellent, by the way: a lot of fun and a good laugh! Keep up the good work, my good man. Hope things improve on the work front soon too. :-)

CrazyKitty profile image

Wow! You should be really proud of your time. Well done! I'd definitely shout those achievements from the rooftop or on this forum if it was me! If I ever see you at a park run, I'll definitely shy away as those stats blow mine away. I think I know the hilly part of the park - walked it last weekend & was amazed & in awe of the runners (like you!) that ran it! Good luck for your race & happy running!

c4ts profile image

Hey lucky you with all the PBs, definitely sign up for the run - these little goals that we set are great for motivating one - is it something to do with a pub - sounds like it with a name of Turks Head - just checked it out so know it is - sounds a real DanZ race - cannot wait to read your post-run post as it will be truly amazing - beer and canapes sounds good!

ju-ju- profile image

go for it ( Tukish head) ...and flipping nora...6 PBs...Dan you are smokin it ( innit)...well done, and I'm glad the mantra helped... :)

suzybenj profile image

Day-Z that is so brilliant - and is my holy grail target - 10k in under an hour - inspirational!!

IannodaTruffe profile image

You are rockin' now Dan the Man! I've been using fast slow speed intervals, which are great for recovery and might help you avoid the walking interval. One k fast followed by two mins slow to recover, repeat to end of run. It has brought my overall time on my home 5k down quite considerably and is, maybe, beginning to teach me how to pace myself. Go Dan go.

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Cheers I.D.T. Appreciate that. Must try the fast slow iintervals and see how that pans out.

swanscot profile image

Well done on your good run, Dan the man. Great to get 6 PBs in the one run and great that you jhared it with us here.

I also enjoyed reading this:

As I ran through the trees and smelt the flowers and the grass, I was in heaven. What better way to keep fit than to run in your local park - no monthly fees, no annoying pumping music and no unpleasant smell of sweating bodies, just birds tweeting, the odd dog walker and the smell of springtime in your nostrils!"

Three cheers for running free!

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