That's what I'm going to be , lol . My little car was vandalised in the wee small hrs (they couldn't hot wire it so they have left it at the end of the road , ignition ripped out , cro barred door etc . So now I've got to cycle to & from jobs four cycle rides in total in a day . So I don't know about being ready for the race for life in July , I think I'll come in first ! Ha ha . Happy running
Fit as a Blackpool donkey ! : That's what I'm... - Couch to 5K
Fit as a Blackpool donkey !
Shakes fist at car robbers! Your poor little car. Will you be donning dodgy lycra shorts Rockette? You'll be very fit by July. Hope you get your insurance for your car.
Ha ha tinyrun it's a old banger , a corsa what I've had from new & a t reg so I'm not going to bother with insurance . I'll have to get ignition sorted when i can , & just keep cycling .
Is the Blackpool donkey because there aren't any Butcher's Dogs left?
Well done on being so positive abut your car - i know i couldnt be - thats awful luck... good luck with the cycling!
But a loved Corsa I'm sure. You can wear your hola hoop on the bike too. She can get a new ignition and you'll get a new booster too.
It doesn't matter what your car was Rockette, it was yours and your mode of transport. I do hate people that do these things. Hope your insurance helps with replacement.
F***ng BA****DS!!!!! May God strike them down with a plague of maggots and may they forever rue the error of their most horrible ways!
POOR YOU Rockette. But you have a good attitude so well done on being so matter of fact. Your legs are getting one major work out with all that cycling - so GO YOU!
Oh rotten eck Rockette! It's enough to drive you crackers int it. I have an old banger but it's the only one I've got and can't afford a new one, so they are precious. Still, every cloud an all that, and it's true you'll get fit for sure. Walking, cycling and running will get you fitter than you've ever been! You'll be more ripped than Jillian Michaels!
Oooh the little rotters! They have no idea how much damage they do. It's lucky you are fit and able to cycle to do your job! Amazing you are staying so positive, you will definitely be ready for that race for life!