Hi, I'm on wk8 and have been running on paveme... - Couch to 5K

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Hi, I'm on wk8 and have been running on pavements or hardcore all along. Yesterday I ran on grass for 1k (too muddy, went back to road)

mizuno306 profile image
8 Replies

This morning I feel like I've been hit by a bus! Knees, hips and mostly lower back are painful. I am 4st overweight but can run for 28mins no stopping. I think it may be different tomorrow and feel a bit glum about my aches and pains. Feeling old and fat to be blunt....anyone else had this kind of experience? What is your advice?

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mizuno306 profile image
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8 Replies
Blanket profile image

Hey mizuno306, it sounds to me like you're doing really well with your running. It's ok to feel a bit rubbish temporarily but don't forget your achievements!

I'm quite new to running really so don't feel expert enough to give advise as such. I have a bad back and my chiropractor told me I should ONLY run on grass because of the impact on joints when running on hard surfaces (overweight or not is irrelevant). However, as you say it's been too wet for that but I do notice my back gets worse. I just try to have a good rest in between my runs and do some core strength exercises. I wonder whether you changed your running style on the grass and that's why you seem to be more achey?

With regard to your aches and pains I would suggest you try and find a way to be kind to yourself. Could you maybe have some really nutritious food and a bath tonight? It will help relax your muscles and hopefully your mind too. I know how it feels to be down about yourself but you're working hard to do something about feeling fat so try to remember how well you're doing to be committed to becoming healthier and thinner. I've had a wobbly day too and it's been hard to stick to healthy foods but having done some exercise helped cheer my mood and it's nice to have the support of people on here; we're all in this together!

mizuno306 profile image
mizuno306 in reply to Blanket

Thank you! Yeah, I remember being very nervous about moving on to week 2 and it seems I've come so far now. I'm just so eager to get to the end, I forget it doesn't matter if it takes 2 or 3 more weeks.

I must say I felt a bit tense on the grass because I didn't want to slip so maybe I was holding myself differently. I have read that even tarmac is more giving than concrete and I suppose I am just used to it (and probably forgotten how achy I was to begin?) but it was a struggle on the field side-stepping puddles! I'll take it easy tomorrow, get down on the tow-path where it's more springy.

Fitfor60 profile image

Hang on a minute mizuno you have just said you can run for 28 mins nonstop That's fantastic so you should be very proud of what you have achieved in a few weeks. Bet wk1 you never thought you would get to this stage. I am guessing your muscles have reacted to change of terrain Not sure of technical explanation but I know I feel different running on hard surface compared to grass/ mud . I actually prefer mud option although am much slower. My advice ---- have bath, snuggle up on sofa with chocolate / wine whatever's your indulgence. Tomorrow's another day but no more talk of feeling fat and old It's not how you look that's important but your attitude and you have proved you have right attitude Graduation only few runs away Good luck and let us know how next run goes

mizuno306 profile image
mizuno306 in reply to Fitfor60

Yes Miss, sorry Miss! I know, I'm feeling better already......I think a glass of wine might be an idea though!

YJB1 profile image

Hi, running on grass or uneven terrain does use different muscles particularly when it is slippery and wet. If you wanted to run out in the countryside or on trails regularly you would even buy specialist shoes for it. In that case you would train for it in the same way you have trained running on pavements. It's great for increasing your all round fitness though and in my opinion much nicer than pounding the Tarmac!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Well done on getting to where you are......and be proud of your efforts. I prefer to run offroad, but you are quite right about the conditions at the moment. I have been forced to run more on the road and after my 10k run yesterday, which was 70% on roads, I was hit by my recurrent lower back pain. This is hugely alleviated by stretches and core strength exercises. Running offroad does mean that your foot hardly ever hits the ground the same way in any two consecutive strides, so pushing in all sorts of directions. This does eventually build up the strength of those lower joints and ligaments but can be energy sapping until you are used to it. Many trainers recommend mixed surfaces.

Keep running, keep smiling.

Oldgirl profile image

I'll bet you feel better already with all this good advice and support, but that's what this site is all about.

As to different surfaces, you are quite right they are all different and you can feel the difference if you think about it. For someone who runs mostly on grass to find themselves on concrete they would feel the impact much more, tar just a little less hard, forest track a joy to run but can be wet, muddy and slippery and you have to watch out for tree roots too. (adds to the excitement) They do say to try and mix up your surfaces during a run, so if there is a grass verge along side your pavement try running on it for some of the time, you will feel the difference when you go back onto the pavement. Now we all dream of running along a great stretch of sandy beach running at the waters edge, yes I would say do it if you can BUT with caution, its a wonderful feeling but its not always a firm surface and when the sand gives way beneath your weight there is going to me a second impact jolt and one you are not prepared for. That second jolt will travel up your leg into your knee and hips and could cause injury. Just be aware of this and do short distances to begin with until you are used to it.

Running is an exercise and if you have aches and pains after a run it means you have put a lot of effort into it, so well done you, here's a big pat on the back (P@) :)

mizuno306 profile image

Hello again, I've never submitted questions to a forum before and I now understand why people do! Thank you all for the advice and encouragement.......went striding past the 30min post this morning BOOM! Considering how dreadful I felt yesterday I think I'll give myself a DOUBLE BOOM!! I did an extra long warm up walk to get down to the canal and that certainly helped but I felt so good at 28mins (still on wk8) I kept going for another 3. I'm sticking to sandstone and tarmac until the soil dries up a bit I think. I listened to the podcasts for the first few weeks on my walk home....I so well remember thinking at the time "90 seconds?!? Non-stop?!?" NOT feeling fat n old today :)

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