After a bit of a delay finally managed to start week 2. Didn't feel too bad but cannot breathe out for 4 steps as suggested, would be flat out if I did it for that long! Looking forward to the next one and might try outside if it ever stops raining
Week 2 started: After a bit of a delay finally... - Couch to 5K
Week 2 started

I remember that - I was breathing one-in-one-out at that point! Who is she kidding!??!
PS. It doesn't matter if it's raining or not.

'You mean you want me to run, and count my steps, and breathe at the same time AND COUNT MY BREATHING' sorry, that's just not going to happen, just slow your breathing as much as you can so you're taking in enough oxygen and you'll get there!

The important thing is to keep breathing, anyway you can get the oxygen your body needs into your body is fine. I graduated over a year ago, I run lots of times a week and yet I still don't do the 4 in 3 out business or whatever. Firstly because it takes too much concentration, secondly because I wouldn't get enough O2. Just breathe, but don't hyperventilate.
And as weighty says, don't worry about the rain.

I've meditated daily for over 15years now and couldn't do it either. By week 6 I noticed that I was without thinking about it. Maybe try with your walking at anytime during the day. I find it helps with the 'head stuff' instead of worrying about ' how long now' or 'there's a hill coming' ' surely i've done 5 mins already!' I focus my attention on my feet hitting the ground, one step at a time, the breathing follows naturally

I couldn't follow the breathing on the podcast either but still managed to finish Week 2 run 1 - still breathing somehow! I am running inside too as the country roads are all muddy and too slippy just now.