I've given the podcasts from the NHS site a shot, but the music isn't really my cup of tea and I really don't like running with music as I find it hard to do my breathing properly (I have no probs with rhythmic breathing when I don't have music playing). Is there somewhere I can just get a speech only version?
Is there a podcast without any music? - Couch to 5K
Is there a podcast without any music?

I think you can get a no music version on iTunes or Googleplay.

I would also be interested in this as I'm having trouble breathing properly when the music's on (though i do quite like the tunes).

iTunes has an app 'c25k free' which I'm going to use. Have tried it but just walking briskly. You can play whatever music you like, and the app buzzes and tells you when to walk, run, etc. as long as your own music isn't too loud it's great. Found it cos week 1 on nhs one didn't seem to work! Hope this helps. I guess Android app also available!

Try the Guy Hoffman app, that has no music.
The music is not my cup of tea either. My 11 yr old put some music together and I used that with a free app from the app store c25k which I found good. I only changed back to the nhs and Laura so that I could join in with the comments in this community. I did week 3 run 1 yesterday - the music was gopping. As soon as the 9 weeks are up I'm returning to my son's playlist (Avicii is my favourite!).
I have always run naked ~ not literally, of course, but with no music or anything else.
I am now a grad and I have done this by simply following the times using a normal watch, and by listening to my body. If I was tired/in pain I stopped; if I was OK, I carried on.

Thanks all, I hunted on Google Play again and found one of the ones with Laura's voice and no music as suggested - it's an NHS choices one apparently. It's much better although a bit hard to hear as I'm just playing it on my phone without headphones, and my phone goes in my shoulder pouch thing when I'm running so it's a bit muffled! I'll keep using this until I find a digi watch I can just program to beep at me
Just finished W3R3, can't believe it!

Oops I spoke too soon, this Change4Life Couch to 5k app is not compatible with my phone (which is running android 2.3) so I'll just have to use the other C25K apps which DO work on my phone.