Eg I can only see about 10 of replies to iannoda truffle latest post -- yet it says there should be 29 replies Any suggestions on how to view This is never been a problem before --- only noticed today Although not been able to view replies to some questions last few days I have always used phone and never had problem before Sooo frustrating as really need support of forum
Is anyone else having problems viewing all rep... - Couch to 5K
Is anyone else having problems viewing all replies to posts?

They have told me they have been working On The forum over the weekend bringing in some new features. Hopefully they will iron out the glitches soon. If you find it's not getting any better it might be worth sending a message on the help page. If we all keep an eye on it I am sure it will get sorted.

I'm on laptop & can view answers ok but find the new set up a bit strange. Tonight's the first time I've been able to get on to site. It seemed to be playing up at the beginning of week. I had a message from admin to say there were problems.

I can view the first page and the last page by toggling the arrows, but not the middle ones. IYSWIM.

Just going through and I have found on my ipad there is a
Lag but if I wait it will load the next lot and i just go to the bottom post and wait. And then I have to keep doing that. Hopefully that will get better its a bit frustrating.