Went on a run Sunday , nice steady plod , 6.5 k never run that far before , result , swollen sore knee ! Us it because I've ran too far too soon ? I've just read somewhere you should only increase your distance gradually , by 10% . It hurts behind knee & swollen all round knee , can still bend it , & walk ok ( no limp ) just feels a bit stiff & iffy What do I do now , can anybody advise me please . Thanks
I'm injured for first time : Went on a run... - Couch to 5K
I'm injured for first time

No advice but lots of sympathy. Hope it heals soon !

So sorry to hear you have succumbed to an injury. It seems to happen to all of us.
I think if it is a knee, rest is the order of the day, and I think you are right build up in 10% chunks. That said, you could injure yourself in the first 5 minutes if you are as clumsy as me.
Take it easy.

Ahh, Rockette that's really rubbish I'm so sorry for you when you were going so well. I've got health issues keeping me away from running too. Perhaps we're having a post grad dip? My running friend said I've got to listen to my body so that would be my advice to you. If it feels awful get the ibuprofen gel on it, cool and elevate when you can and lay off for a bit. If you damage a ligament you'll really know about it so take it easy. Get well soon

Sorry to hear you have hurt yourself, No doctor here but I would guess it's just overuse from doing the extra distance, I would use the R.I.C.E treatment Rest Ice Compression Elevation and as Jen said take some Ibuprofen if its no better in a few days it's a trip to the doctor or sports physio
Yes I'm doing that see how it goes , don't know if it's the long run or 30 day shred DVD I did night before come to think of it ! , just in meadowhall , & called I sweatshop there , asked some advice while I was in there , chap seemed to think it's nothing seriouse & just to take it easier , run shorter distances , not got to stop completely , or go back to walk run while it goes back to normal .

sorry to hear your injured hope you get over it soon rest it a bit you will soon be back out there .