After my really successful 5k run last Saturday I knew that I needed to get out and try and do it again!
I already knew that I could physically run 5k but I was a bit worried today because I would have been running on my own without the atmosphere of the race. I told myself that I wasn't allowed back into the house until I had done it, and it worked!
It was definitely harder than it was on Saturday but it wasn't impossible, I was so happy when I reached 5k, I couldn't stop smiling!
I'm going to make sure I run at least 3 times a week building up my distance now I know I can do it, and I also want to mix in some HIIT to really get my heart going.
I am going to reach my goal of a marathon even if it kills me!
Happy running everyone!
Stats - 5.13k in 34.22s (5k in 33.17s)