W3R2 was dreadful, went first thing. I am suffering from Planter Fasciitis in left foot which makes my heel very painful so basically hobbled through the run. I don't want it to stop me from carrying on though as PF is made wrose by being over weight which is one of my main reasons for doing C25K. Should have done R3 today but it was wet and I was in pain and instead I opted for a glass of wine and a telly fest. I need to run tomororw to fit in my 3 runs this week, I need some serious encouragement, please help!
In need of some encouragement: W3R2 was dreadful... - Couch to 5K
In need of some encouragement

I am not sure you should be running thru the pain of PF. I havent suffered from it myself but understand it is very painful. I hope other members can give some advice - are you seeing a physio or podiatrist about te problem?
Best wishes
Thanks fran, i work with a podiatrist who said it was ok as long as i stretch but the PF isn't going away after the early morning symptoms which it does for most people so I think I do now need a referral to podiatry. c25K is the first exercise that has motivated me in a long time so I really don't want to stop, although it is definitely making it a lot harder! I will seek some some advice, thank you for replying.

Have you got a good support in your shoe, perhaps it might help but info about PF does seem to suggest rest is best. Hope you can keep going soon. Keep in touch with all of us.

Thank you. I will check things out, so hoping i won't have to stop running but will take care. Thanks for replying and I will keep in touch.

Hi there! I too have been suffering with PF for the last 6 months and can offer my 2p worth! I changed to running in the evenings, so my feet and calves have the chance to naturally stretch through the day as the mornings are unbearable. I also purchased some insoles for my day to day shoes from amazon (you can find them just via the search bar. Mine were around £8 and are specifically for PF) and this is the best advice I can offer - they literally enable me to walk! I also have PF flipflops (again online) for wondering around the house. The support seems to build up and help for when I run. I did try them in my running trainers but decided this was a bad idea! I also massage my calves on the evening of each run - I am a weighty girl and the pressure on my calves is what causes my PF. I am hoping the weight loss and constant exercise will reduce my PF and will update as I go! Good luck, you can certainly do this, and if you need any help just get in touch!

Thank you, will try the massage and let you know how i progress. Thanks so much for the replies, i love this forum!

Not heard of PF flipflops but Crocs or their cheaper equivalent are good around the house slippers for PF. If you have hard floors, especially stone or tiled ones that cushioning is especially important.