I'm supposed to be doing w5r2 tonight. I'm exhausted, as I've just had two days of induction for my new job. Unfortunately, tomorrow is staff drinks, so I can't go then, so tonight is the only time I can go
Need some encouragement: I'm supposed to be... - Couch to 5K
Need some encouragement

Then go; just do it, as they say. You won't regret it, you'll just regret not going....
You know it makes sense, going out will make you feel so much better.
Don't over think it, get your trainers on, get out the door and see what happens :-).
Anything is better than nothing.

I say go for it! You will feel better if you go out and make up your mind to enjoy it. If it turns into a practice run then you will still be fitter for it and have an excuse that you were tired, but it may be just what you need to perk yourself up after a hard day.
On my way to the park thanks everyone!

Did you do it??? I really had to have a stern talk to myself to get out tonight but so glad I did!!!

How did it go? Well done for getting out the door! 😀
Reluctant this is probably the first time you've been reluctant! So just go for it, please do it and then do the smug post after....
The best runs are always the worst runs to begin with.
Hey hope you managed to get out the Door and stay positive xx thinking of you x

If you went, well done... if you did not, well done also... You are on this journey, and pushing a body that is already tired, may not be a great idea... only you know if it was the right decision

New job , new running regime and probably new friends as well. You are on a roll. If nothing else the fresh air, shower and a good nights sleep will set you up nicely for another great day.