I am thrilled to say that I am the proud owner of a Garmin Watch. I couldn't believe my luck on xmas morning. I have to say that my running of late has been almost non existent !! I originally graduated on xmas eve 2012 . I was so proud then, but after that my running became patchy. I signed up for a 10k in May last year to focus myself and then promptly cracked a rib Since then, I have felt so unfocused and have found many excuses/reasons for not getting back to being able to run 5k. I am now making committing to building up my running again, and I am going to sign up for that same Town and Gown 10k in May again. This time I WILL do it
Meanwhile I am waiting for the watch to charge (I charged it on Xmas morning obviously didn't turn it off ) at least that's what I'm hoping.
It looks really icy out there but even if I walk at least I'll be out there
..........feeling motivated