I've only done the 3 'runs' in week 1, but I'm feeling more energised and the aching legs have stopped already. Hoping it carries on like this. I had become a proper couch potato, but tomorrow I'm decorating the bathroom.
Energy!: I've only done the 3 'runs' in week... - Couch to 5K

I found my achy legs finished at the same time :0) go for it !! Keep plugging away, not long before you'll be hooked like the rest of us!

What i really like is climbing the stairs without even noticing I've done so. And at the train station, avoiding the crowded escalator and trotting up the central staircase, even with a backpack on, and not feeling puffed at the end of it. Also the other day had to sprint (and I MEAN sprint) past another long train to get to "the train in front" which was the one I needed, leaving in a few seconds. That was a good moment.

For me the benefit is being able to keep up with the kids! Now whenever friends bring their kids round they're straight over at me looking for someone to chase them. I'm the only one who has the stickability to run round after them all day! I want to be as involved in my kids life as possible and that means playing with them too.
Wait until they get a bit older! Mine 'ankle-biter' is now 14, a dedicated rower, runner and swimmer, and there is now way on God's Earth I could even try and keep up with him!
I shall now set you a challenge ~ see if you can keep yourself fit enough to keep up with them for the next 10 years!
Good luck ~ you'll need it!

I think the first time I realised the benefits was running up the shop. Literally. just jogged there and jogged back. Didn't even think about it till I got back indoors. Wasn't puffed, just a 5 minute jog to get whatever it was and back again. marvellous.