I'm supposed to be starting week 3 tomorrow morning, but the idea of running for three minutes sends shivers down the spine. I don't want to go too far and lose hope, so I'm going to do week 2 again. I haven't run at all since the end of school (the late 80s). By my late 30s I'd reached over 18 stone. I started losing weight fast, but that turned out to be diabetes, and once I started the medication got back to 16st pretty quickly. But I have a beautiful wife and amazing son, and don't want to die before I'm 50, so... I'm eating sensibly, have done some walking and started C25K a couple of weeks ago. I'm mad at myself that I ever got to the state where I couldn't run for a minute without my legs turning to jelly, but proud that I've done any of it at all. The podcast is just what I need - if Laura wasn't there to prompt me I would never have got further than that first minute! The music is pretty poor, but I suppose it's best that the NHS aren't spending a fortune licensing big hits and editing them to suit the timings. Looking forward to the end result of a healthy body, even if it takes a good bit longer than nine weeks.
Week 2 over, week 2 coming round again. - Couch to 5K
Week 2 over, week 2 coming round again.

Don't worry about the leap. Take it nice and steady and you will be fine trust me. I was scared to move to week 3 but I sis it!! Laura works!!
I am also diabetic. Can I ask what diet you are on? I'm low carbing and due to fund out my latest hbA1c results at the end of the month. They threatened to put me on insulin at my last check up bit I really don't want that!!
Thanks for the encouragement. I am very simply counting calories, keeping the sugar and sat-fats very low and keeping between meal snacking to a minimum. I've found a few treats for the evening which help. I'm not good at diet plans because they're so easy to cheat on. I'm eight weeks in and have lost 22lbs, a few inches off the waist and my glucose is consistently good at the moment. I'm waiting for my latest HbA1c too, so fingers crossed...
Hello aarch235, I think you should just go for it too.You've got week 2 under your belt,so take a deep breath ....and join me !!
I start W3 tomorrow ! Well done for getting this far and congratulations on the weight loss ,too.Good luck,keep us posted on how W3 goes.

I agree with the others - if you completed week 2, you're ready for week 3. It's the ones you DON'T complete successfully that you need to repeat. Completing a run successfully means that you ran, however slowly and feeling however you felt, when Laura told you to. If you find you can't complete the week 3 runs, then repeat them until you can! Be proud, you seem to have made a good start!

I have panicked at the end of each week as the step up to the next week has always seemed huge. If you have managed week 2 then I really think you should trust the programme and have faith in yourself - you'll be surprised I'm sure, and the sense of achievement will keep spurring you on.
It's great to get so much support, thanks everyone!
Hi folks, by way of introduction, I'm Ganesh, an overweight 44 yo guy (weigh 20 kgs over ideal weight) and have been very inconsistent with any exercise all through my adult life. Not having ever played any sport in school or college didn't help and all the excess kilos I accumulated over the years just stayed put.
It's been two weeks of C25k and both weeks were a breeze. I got myself a pair of good trainers with adequate cushioning, bought some shorts and tees and started running on the treadmill in the gym in my apartment. It's been a fabulous two weeks ; I already feel fitter, my tiredness seems more natural than it ever was and more toward the end of the day (earlier I used to feel generally tired all the time) and I also put myself on a slightly more sensible, restricted diet than before.
I'm looking forward to the two day break now, before starting off on Run 1 of week 3. Any advice guys from those who're sailing in the same boat ?
Wish each one of you immense will power in completing the program and succeeding in your fitness goals.