completed my first 5k last night YEH! but due to the heat I really stuggled...I managed the first 9 mins without stopping but the rest of the time it was run walk run walk..can;t help but feel a bit disappointed that I didn't manage to run all the way but I did complete in 36 mins which since I am 39 don't feel that next aim is to do another 5k and try and run more.....did anyone else struggle to run all the way on their 1st 5k?
did anyone else struggle to run all the way on... - Couch to 5K
did anyone else struggle to run all the way on their 1st 5k

36 minutes seems fast if you were doing a lot of walking - especially as it was your first 5K! Do you think you were running too fast and that was the problem? I am almost up to running 5K but I have to say keeping in a rhythm is very important to me and stopping and starting again is usually harder for me than keeping going - but then again, I do run slowly.
I'm sure other, more experienced runners will have more of an idea but given we're in almost the same situation, my opinion is that you should slow down a little so you can try and run the whole thing.

I did sneak a 5k in yesterday I was supposed to be on wk9r2 but I have a race for life coming up and just wanted to check I could. 36 minutes does seem fast for a walk run 5 k. I was just under 40 mins running/jogging all the way, ( and looking a sight for most of it and yes I really struggled!)
How have you been doing with your longer runs up until now? Do you 'feel' the difference between a fast and easier run when you set out?
I forced myself to do a slower run the other day as I kept getting stitches, I felt a bit like I'd cheated myself into a slow run after, but I think it will do me good in the end.
Try and force yourself to go a bit slower next time, it is hard and I don't always follow my own advice but it will make the longer distance more acheivable, decide now that you don't need to beat your 36 mins from the other day....?
overall i didnt to a lot of walking timewise as i tried to restrict it to 30 sec/min at a time...(had a watch to get a rough idea) i did the first 9 mins without any walks and probably did go bit fast then had a 1 min walk then ran for a while then another 1 min walk etc so the walking part i tried to keep as low as possible and did run faster when i did run to catch up on time....think that was the competitive side of me! but to be honest i was surprised my time was 36 mins but we were tagged so presume its right!! the week before I managed to run 15 mins with 1 min walk then another 14 mins run and covered 2.5 miles.which is why I was disappointed that I couldn't seem to keep at a pace.....i guess in my mind I do want to run it all the way round without stopping for a walk so I think this will be my aim to go slower...its difficult at the start not to get carried away..thanks for the repliesx
Just my opinion, but running faster, trying to catch up after you've walked could have just made the problem worse for you. I've found it difficult to pace myself too. I try and make myself go no faster than I can cope with, as far as my breathing is concerned, over a reasonable time frame - say a minute or two or thereabouts - and that seems to help.
We're running at similar speeds because I've just done 2.7 miles in 33 minutes, no walking, on Week 7 Run 1, which I make is just a shade slower than your speed and that works for me. I think you will speed up but first you need to slow down and do the whole run if you can in one go - does that make sense? - Just my opinion and Oldgirl could well be right that it's just been a bad run but it's worth thinking about.

Try starting off a bit slower and build up to a comfortable speed and stride. We all have that wall we hit at some time during a run, some have more than one wall to contend with. Also try a new route that sometimes helps, its more interesting and time passes more quickly you won't be finding yourself coming up to your 'wall' point on a new route. Don't worry about speed and don't worry about this last run, we all have runs we find difficult just put it behind you and look forward to the next run, the chances are it will be one of your best to date.
I've been finding that from the Week 4 sets of runs, and I've just finished the Week 5 run 3 by completing them i've been managing to do the 5K in a under the full time allotted, varying from between from start of podcast to at the 5k marker completing in between 21-24 mins although probably nearer the higher figure as i do more continuous running, I do a particular route each time, and using the website, I found where I needed to finish at to complete the distance of 5k although have probably been going over just a teensy bit, I too am doing the Race for Life for the first time in a couple of weeks and so after having used the first 3wks sets of runs and completing 2.9 miles each time, although when I started I did feel like I was going to die by the time I'd finished it, I wanted to push myself that little bit further so that I could test myself if I could do it, and sometimes when I've felt like just stopping, being able to see 'the end' in sight has enabled me to keep pushing.
I've been finding that as the weeks go on I've been pacing myself better and starting to be able to gauge how far I'll get on a certain length of running with the podcast, although I must admit I found it easier to push myself on the Wk5 Run 3 when was to run without stops for the distance after the warm up walk, than when had to do the run/walk pattern on the previous run.
As silly as it sounds, by using the podcasts I've found being able to concentrate on a particular bit at time has made it easier in terms of being able keep going, like when Laura comes though and says ' just 60 seconds left' you get that boost of knowing that you're managing and just have to work for that little bit more to meet that target. When I started this 5 wks ago after doing the first run where had to manage just 60 seconds in a go which I was like a cart-horse at the end!. I never would have thought that I'd ever be able to run continuously after the 5 min walk, but doing this program has really helped in my confidence and stamina in being able to run
just an update I have joined the running club and last night did a 5k run and nearly ran the whole thing....only time I walked was on a hill but only for about 30 secs...I have taken your advice and slowed it right down so took lot longer to run it but feel better in myself the fact I didn't keep stop starting...