How do I get my graduate badge ???? Just finis... - Couch to 5K
How do I get my graduate badge ???? Just finished today whoopee!!!!!
Click on the Feedback button (top right, in the green bar) and send a message to say you have completed the programme. I think they're only there in office hours, so you may have to wait until Tuesday before they see it.
Keep on running! Try searching using the tags if you want some ideas for what next. You might just want to keep running for half an hour, or take a while to build up to 5k, if you're not quite there yet (it's fairly unusual to get to 5k in 30 minutes by week 9) or you might want to look at bridge to 10k programmes. (b210k)
Thanks so much -I can run 5k in 40 minutes .ill be working on my pace for a while and then bridge to 10k. I can't believe 9 weeks ago I could barely run 1 minute!, I'm addicted to running now -started outside in the park ,run up and down hills ,on the grass and paths and love it
Congratulations on your graduatation, well done.
Congratulations on your graduation! Like Greenlegs said, clicking on the Feedback button is the way to get your badge, and very quickly! You can be proud for achieving this programm and getting this badge is one of the reward, isn't it? I felt this way when I graduated.
Again, congratulations!
Thanks for all the responses, I sent my request for my badge .Now here is another question maybe someone can advise me on.... I'm not sure about following the bridge to 10k?.. I don't think I can face going back to interval training .I love the continuous runs so I'm thinking of just working on my pace for a few weeks to run 5k in 30 mins and then add 5 mins x 3 runs and then another 3 mins x 3 runs etc so build myself up to running 60 mins -eventually .has anyone else done this ???
I sort of did that. I did some shorter faster runs, and found that could actually run - like a real running person! Then did some slightly longer slower runs - 6k a couple of times, then a 7k... Mixed in some shorter faster ones too. Then in the 5x50 challenge on one mad day, I went out to do a walk, started doing a bit of a run, then a bit more, and a bit more - and when I'd got to 7k it seemed a pity to stop, so kept going until I got to 10k. Not exactly sensible, but it was very slow (100 minutes) and I'd have stopped if I'd felt uncomfortable.
I'd thought I do it along the lines that you suggest, but... I haven't done another big one since then though, just a few 5ks.
Congrats on graduating! It's an amazing feeling, isn't it? If you are looking to up your pace a bit have go at the C25k+ podcasts on the NHS website. There are three different runs: speed (interval training); stamina (lasts 35 mins); and stepping stones, which gets you running to a beat. If you alternate these runs during the week I think you'll find both your speed and stamina improving. Best wishes.