Small steps towards my first Parkrun - Couch to 5K

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Small steps towards my first Parkrun

Anniemurph profile image
24 Replies

Last week I went to watch one. Today I have registered. Looking at the photos and statistics, I will be the fattest, the slowest and the beetroot-est runner, but I will have a go. The slowest runner last week came in at 41ish minutes, and I ran 40ish minutes at the weekend - but this was on flat, known tarmac and the Darley course is on grass, hills and goodness knows what else! However, I will go along in the comfortable expectation of coming last and that way if it's anything different I will have exceeded expectations! At the one I went to watch, they assured me that they always wait for the last runner and they've never lost anyone yet :D

There is one caveat though - it it's raining I won't go, because I have two work trips abroad in the next few weeks and I cannot risk slipping and injuring myself. So fingers crossed for good weather, please! :O

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Anniemurph profile image
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24 Replies
Malcy profile image

I've been trying to think of a funny related to running beetroots. I give up - it's too tough!

But one thing that's for sure is that you'll be absolutely fine. And, as I've read here a few times, a slow start leaves plenty scope for PBs (:->)

Good luck, and enjoy yourself

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to Malcy

Ah, that might be my new strategy - deliberately run slowly, so that I can get a PB next time :D

Running beetroots... no, not sure I can do that one either! Thanks for the good wishes.

TJFlute profile image

Fingers crossed it'll be sunny B| We'll be sending you good luck vibes, and enjoy!

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to TJFlute

Thank you - it's a shame it's not Sunday, then I could be running with all you 5x50ers in celebration!

SBG356 profile image

Well done Annie for biting the bullet! We will all be thinking of you and of course there is nothing to stop you running with us again on Sunday!! ;) Fingers crossed for a decent bit of weather over the weekend.

Sue x

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to SBG356

Thanks, Sue! I will definitely be running with you on Sunday, shaking my pom-poms (and the champagne :O ), but I still hope to do the Parkrun on Saturday as well!

greenlegs profile image

Oh, how exciting, Annie!

I'm pretty sure I'm going to do parkrun this weekend too, and went to do a tryout today - very pleased that I cut 49 seconds off my previous time, even though my legs were still tired from yesterday's exertions. The question now is, what do I do between now and Saturday, so I don't wear my legs out, but so I can try to accumulate enough 5x50 km? Cycling and yoga I think. :)

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to greenlegs

Ooh, well done for cutting time off your previous run :) Cycling and yoga sound like a good bet - wii fit as well, perhaps? Enjoy :)

AnnieW55 profile image

Fingers crossed for good/dry weather for you Annie. I'm sure you'll have fun. Like C25k the pressure is all from you, so relax and enjoy.

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to AnnieW55

Thanks, Annie :) It's very exciting, if a bit nerve-wracking at the same time! What is it about putting pressure on ourselves? Mad!

sfb350 profile image
sfb350Graduate in reply to Anniemurph

Chill and enjoy it Annie ! Panic not - the worst that can happen is you give the tail-runner the pleasure of your company ;-)

You'll be great and I'm sure we'll all be waving pom-poms and cheering for you - it's the least we can do after all the support you've given the 5x50ers :-)

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to sfb350

Aww, that's lovely, thank you! I'm getting a bit worried about the course conditions because the rain is so bad I can hear the sound of my neighbours building arks in their garages - but it still might dry up for then!

LMS2110 profile image

Terrific news, and your blog will drive me onwards to do something similar very soon. A little holiday has wiped me out of sync for a while, but I am so determined to get going again. Lots of luck for your first PR... Am certain you'll not come on last, but as someone has already said... Whatever you do will be a PB for the next time. Go you! Linda x ;) :D

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to LMS2110

Well, fingers crossed! I need to do this now as I have a holiday coming up, and I need to do some serious work before the RFL!

You'll get back into sync soon enough, Linda - hope you had a great time?

LMS2110 profile image
LMS2110Graduate in reply to Anniemurph

Hi again ;) just drove out to my local ParkRun for a quick look around. It's a 2 lap 5k on grass, compacted mud in woodland and gritty canal towpath. Like you I have a fear of falling on mud/wet grass - I did exactly that a few years ago and broke my shoulder (nasty!). I had on my running gear so did one lap (2.5k) my second run since little Italian holiday last weekend - which was wonderful! :) Took things very steadily and it took me 20 minutes! Now, I'm not sure if I'd be slower or faster in a second lap? Anyhow, you've persuaded/inspired me! I will make my PR debut on 1st June :D (I have to work the next couple of Saturdays and I still need to find my grad week form) I reckon another couple of weeks effort should get me on target again ... Just wish we could have a decent spell of sunshine. Keeping my fingers crossed for you this w/e, virtual bubbly chilling in the fridge xx

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to LMS2110

Yay, go for it!!! I wish my local one had more paths on it as I'd really like to get started this weekend, but I'm not going to risk it if it doesn't dry up. Your fall sounds really nasty :(

20 minutes for one lap - it's hard to say if you'd be slower or faster next time! Me, I reckon I'd be slower, but it still wouldn't matter :) Thanks for chilling the virtual bubbly - let's hope it's needed!

Poppy2010 profile image

Hope you have good weather so will have a lovely 1st Parkrun on Saturday. I dragged my son along with me on my first, told the organisers I expected I would be slowest (last and I was, but had the tail runner with me after the first 10 minutes or so ( just after I had slipped over!) I let my son run on after he had turned round and ran backwards twice in the first couple of minutes waiting for me, that was truly humiliating when he could run backwards faster than me forwards! :-( Second half of the run was much better than the first and I was chatting quite happily as I went, and tried a sprint to the end!

My time was very slow, no one minded and I got plenty of claps and cheers; but I have not been back to that course as have done the others when staying at my daughters. I will be going to my one again on Saturday but think it may be a muddy quagmire again looking at the forecast; still I hope for a pb! :-)

I will look out for updates and be cheering you on! :-)

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to Poppy2010

Thanks, Poppy - it's not looking good at the moment because the rain has been torrential for the last couple of days and nights :( but fingers crossed it might dry up towards the weekend.

Your account of your parkrun is inspiring and helpful, thank you, but I'm glad I'm not going to be running with anyone who can turn round and run backwards :D And I'd forgotten about the tail runner too - that's a cheerful thought :) Good luck for yours on Saturday!

Tati profile image

Good luck Annie. I enjoyed my first one last Saturday despite nerves beforehand and I bet you will too. You may find the company makes you quicker.

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to Tati

Thanks, Tati - just getting round will count as a success! I'm glad you enjoyed yours - everyone seems to have a great time at them, so I am cautiously looking forward to it, weather permitting!

gdeann profile image

Go Annie, go!!! :-) You can do this!!!! :-) I wish we were there to personally cheer you on plus I could keep you company in the back of the pack. We have an organized run on Sunday that will be made-up of several high-school age kids. I know where this old lady will be... ;-) I'm shaking a lovely set of pink and purple poms for you Saturday, Annie! Please update us when you can!! ANNIE ROCKS!!!! :-) Gayle

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to gdeann

Yay, pink and purple pom-poms! Thanks for your wonderful support, Gayle :) Enjoy your teen race :D I think we do the world a favour by running round at the back of the pack, don't you?

I'm worrying about the weather and the terrain. We are having very heavy rain here and most of the track seems to be on grass. I can't risk slipping or indeed any strains or sprains, as I'm doing a lot of travelling for work over the next few weeks and need to be fully mobile. I'm keeping my fngers crossed for good weather.

notbad profile image

Go for it Annie, I'll be cheering you on! :-) Enjoy it and don't worry about your time, there should be a tail runner so even if you are at the back of the pack they should take last place and keep you company. Fingers crossed it stays dry for you!

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to notbad

Thank you! My fingers and toes are crossed in the hope that it will stay dry and I can go! Your support is much appreciated :)

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