My neighbour saw me returning from my last run along the railway track and warned me that the gypsies horses tethered there bite! They didn't look too pleasant last time so I gave them a wide berth.
Today i went on a new route which is a mixture of compacted mud bridleway, pavements and fields. Took a water bottle this time. Managed first run fine. Second run I walked a few paces at the end but found second brisk walk painful in my airways. Found a swig of water and spitting it out the best way to deal with dry mouth. Drinking the water was too heavy in my stomach to run. Managed third run and kept on to the very end - even though I was begging Laura to let me stop. I kept thinking of all you bloggers and that did inspire me to keep going.
Did leg stretches at end but when I turned the corner to walk the mile home again FWUGH! Straight into strong head wind and heavy rain. Did arrive home feeling pretty chilled - but PLEASED with my self for once! I feel I can do this now.
A huge sincere thank you to all the people who post. This is such an amazing site and the support really does work. (Message to newbies there!)