Posts - COPD Friends | HealthUnlocked

COPD Friends

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Information for newly diagnosed COPD

Hello Again I'm so sorry for all of the questions - I was only told I had COPD ...

Webinar / Support meeting for Noninvasive Ventilation for COPD and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Join us for Pulmonary Chat Tuesday September 17th at 4:30 PM Eastern time (New Y...
R2B_Joe profile image

Newly diagnosed - please help

Hi Everyone I've just got out out of hospital after a bout of pneumonia, which ...
puddy68 profile image
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Copd & dementia- anxiety sleep issues

hi mum has COPD and Dementia (we think!) and some night times unable to sleep f...
Robinface profile image

Copd worse on holidays.

Not sure if I'm writing on the correct post as this is my first time writing on ...

Very bad cough

Hi everyone...hope you're all well...I'm asking you for advice on my copd...woke...

Target Lung Health Check

Hi All I am new to this group although I do post on other groups. I should sta...
Bauldy profile image

Kan Breathe

I bought a device called Kan Breathe on Amazon. It’s made in Australia, I think...
DONZOL profile image

Phillips cpap lawsuit

There is a lawsuit against Phillip cpap manufacturers because some of the models...
Fred_ profile image

'Tip of the day'

Hello all, I spoke to my oxygen delivery company this week to order a LOX De...
PaulineHM profile image

Anyone with copd have this.....

Hi I have copd and I'm wondering if any one else had this weird feeling at back ...
Purple_1963 profile image

chest pains

At the end of July, I go chest pains. They weren’t very severe, just uncomfortab...
DONZOL profile image

Symptoms and age

hey everyone I’m curious if breathing problems for copd come and go or are symp...
John198834 profile image


I've been on inhalers for a few years now. They are helping for a while then it'...

Pulmonary Hypertension

Hi Everyone, and thank you for accepting me into your group. I don't actually ha...
puddy68 profile image

Latest Waiting Room Rules.


What is your preference

for a pre winter information giving session? You are always so incredibly helpfu...
PaulineHM profile image

Dupixent for COPD
Elpojohn profile image

zephyr valves

Hello, I have severe emphysema. It’s gotten so much worse since I had covid back...
Batbara profile image

New Drug on the near horizon.

Good news folks! I learnt today that there is a new drug out for uncontrolled C...
PaulineHM profile image

My new COPD


hi all ur all welcome to my FB group COPD-Emphysema. Trevor


COPD-Emphysema. my fb group all welcome Trevor
Trevor6 profile image

Emphysema rate of decline ?

Hi, My name is Geoff I was recently diagnosed with emphysema ( FEV1 / FVC ratio...
GeoffSpark profile image

Flying with Oxygen

Sooooo complicated isn't it? I wonder if this helps or hinders ? https://trave...
PaulineHM profile image

update my new FB group welcome Trevor...

Hi sweetie 😀I'm new on here ish and a bit nervous 😓 to join in.

I have read some terrible things on here and I don't feel worthy🙁I was diagnose...
Smilesalot profile image

Hi I'm new to the Copd forum but I'm usually on the fibromyalgia forum🤗

Hi sweetie s.I was diagnosed with both Copd and fibromyalgia at the same time bu...
Smilesalot profile image

new on this forum

hi been on health unlocked for a good few years for my other ailments but just d...
Greenmil3 profile image

Hi to everyone

Hi thereLast night was really scary I have lots of fatigue just crashed and then...
Dolphin628 profile image
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