I had gone to a pulmonary doc back in 2017 and had a ct scan. It showed I had a Bochdalek hernia on my right side where my liver was going into my diaphragm. I had gone to the doc because I was doing an exercise program that was pretty intense and started having problems. I was 68 at the time. He sent me to a surgeon and they did a thoracotomy and I was in the hospital for two weeks. I was also diagnosed with emphysema. I stopped smoking 3 years ago. I now find out my surgery has failed. I went to Mayo and saw their head of thoracic surgery and he said he wouldn't operate n because he couldn't be sure what he was getting into and it could just make everything worse. Also felt the lung is stuck to the diaphragm and would require extensive operation to release it and there is a high risk for causing multiple complications during surgery. I'm going back to my pulmonary doctor next week but don't really feel he is concerned and just wants to keep me on oxygen which I don't really use. Also have problems with my left diaphragm. I feel my breathing problems are caused by my surgery and raised left diaphragm. I go the doctor and he basically just says well, you use to smoke. I guess I'm just ranting but the thing I miss the most is being able to walk. I use to take the dog and go for 5 mile walks and now I can't make it up the block. Sorry for going on and on but sometimes just need to get it out and don't want to put it on my husband because he worries enough.
Frustrated: I had gone to a pulmonary doc back... - COPD Friends
you need to vent. I understand your frustration. My situation is different, but the frustration with doctors is very similar. I tried to share a response from the COPD Foundation with my doctor. He finally read what I had written and said, “So they didn’t respond.” I pointed out they had on the next page. He wasn’t interested in reading the response because it contradicted what his nurse told me and said drs use certain terms loosely. I am now without a doctor because at one point he said, “I’m here to help you, and I don’t need to take your sh!t.” And I don’t need to be spoken to that way. Done.
Oh wow. Can't believe a doctor would talk that way but then in another way I can. I just went to see my cardio doc this afternoon and he said your heart looks great but we'll watch the aneurysm because if it gets big too fast we'll have to operate. Anyway, we were talking about pain and the effects of it and I told him I take medical marijuana and I know he is so against it but I was hoping he would listen and understand that it can really help people's pain. I have so many things wrong and I get stomach ulcers if I take anything OTC or by script. He just looked at me and I said sometimes it really does help and told him my rheumatologist said "good for you." Anyway, enough of this I hope you can find a doctor who will be able to help you. Seems it's getting harder and harder.