Hello..I am concerned that I am progressing with copd as I was fine in the mornings but I noticed I am not anymore. I seem to have a real heavy feeling inside and breathless, I gave up smoking in november and I seem to be feeling much worse.Is it a bad sign that I am now feeling unwell in the morning.I also getting real heavy feeling in my shoulders.Like I am gaving someone a piggy back..Do you think I getting worse? Do you think I should try a inhaler?
Am I progressing.: Hello..I am concerned that I... - COPD Friends
Am I progressing.

Hiya.I was gaven inhalers I have kitchen door full of things they dont seem to help and I was fine without but I do feel now that I need to be checked by the hospital as I not been referred..I been on phone again today to ask to be sent to the hospital so that they can assess me and advise me on my copd..It makes it worse that I also have coeliac disease and I not coping well with that my stomach bloated alot its very uncomfortable my stomach and my lungs..
But have you followed directions on the medications? Some of them need to be taken once a day or two times a day or as needed. Some you will not see any difference until you have taken them for at least 3 days or a week or 2. I would think you would want the tests done by a pulmonary doctor to see what you actually have in stead of being sent to the hospital. Self medicating is not the answer nor is jumping from medication to medication. Get the tests and find out for sure.
I actually work in the hospital so I don't need to buy one as I check myself now and then.My oxygen is fine.Still get out of breath now and then.

I would suggest a pulmonologist. COPD is a progressive disease, but with proper care (which includes maintenance inhalers, exercise, and healthy diet, breathing exercises, etc) you can slow the progression and lead a good life.Maintenance inhalers are important as they help keep the airways relaxed and open. What many do not realize is how well they work until they stop using them.
Keep us posted.
I agree with John, you should be seen by a pulmonologist. You need to be on an inhaler and use it as prescribed.Congrats on quitting smoking, hopefully you will start to feel better, it takes time.