Does anyone know if its safe to have 3 dogs around me as my son is coming to see me for 4 weeks not seen him for a few years but he has 3 dogs im emphysema 30% lung function thanks for any advice im on trimbo no oxygen .
Unsure: Does anyone know if its safe to have... - COPD Friends

Is it really safe, for you to take the risk?
I love dogs, but, remember that we have a lot of diseases etc, that are similar to us & our pets! Just in case, why don't you sort alternate accommodations for the dogs just in case! Maybe a neighbour?
Fleurbaby thank you for advice i love dogs myself but havent had one in years my sons love of dogs comes from myself he will be staying in a neighbours home but will want to bring the dogs to see me they are very well behaved and trained they even learnt how to press the button on the posts for crissing roads but im scared i might get worse than i am thank yiu for your quick response much appreciated..

While I do not know for certain- my understanding is that the only real danger to having pets around is if you have an allergic reaction which could possibly lead to an exacerbation (or flare up) of symptoms. If you have been around dogs and do not have any allergies, I do not know what harm could come from a visit. You certainly must decide for yourself, but if you do not have allergies and have never had any issues before I don't know that you would have any problems this time. It would be best to ask a physician if possible...
I really don't see a problem. Make sure someone cleans up after they leave, like sweeping, vacuuming etc. Its the dust and dander from them that would bother your lungs. Maybe have the son brush them down really well before coming in your house. The pleasure and joy you will get from seeing your son and his dogs will be tremendous. If it were me, I would do it and I am at 27%. Don't pass up something you will regret not doing.
I agree with R2B_Joe and Jocopd. Unless you are allergic to dogs, I don't see a problem.
My lung function is not as low as yours, but I do have emphysema, and have lost 2 lung lobes to lung cancer. I have 2 dogs and have never had any problems.
Kathetinek thank you for your reply wow you have 2 dogs yourself its been a long time since i had a dog ad much as i love dogs i was afraid to have one because of the emphysema once again thank you much appreciated
I've got Stage 4 COPD and have been diagnosed for at least 20 years, I also have bronchiectasis. We have had Rottweiler dogs for 25 years, never less than two at a time.
I need ambulatory oxygen also, I believe my health would a lot worse without my dogs. They lift my spirits and are wonderful companions. I don't suffer from asthma, so I don't feel I can advise you, if you don't suffer from allergies then where's the harm? My only word of caution would be if you don't like animals and having three dogs stay might cause you too much stress.
Good luck for the future!
Hi Burbagegran thank you for your reply no i dont have allergies i love animals more so dogs i have emphysema lung function was 30 per cent 18 month ago not on oxygen but am on trimbo i get respiratory test on tuesday im hoping its not gone down much but once again thank you for your reply .