Struggling a little today, Doc says no infection, however, this morning chest has taken so long to loosen.....over 3 hours and feeling weak and clammy. They gave me Prednisolone on Friday and I admit to not having taken them yet........I hate to take them. I hate feeling like this when I try to exercise, eat properly and take care of myself.....and still I can't breathe...................Sorry guys I just needed a moan.
COPD wearing me down a little today. - COPD Friends
COPD wearing me down a little today.

My goodness, if you can't moan here, then where? Most of us know the frustration that your going through. We are not asking too much. To be able To take a flight of stairs without thinking, work in our gardens, sometimes I have trouble cleaning my bathtub. I ask my family to do many things, but CCan't go there yey. Then the Drs load you up on meds, some of which bring depression and other side effects. They had me on steriods in the hospital, it made me very agitated and grumpy. I had a very strong urge to walk out. What I have found to help is researching natural healthy ways to manage my condition. It gives me some of my power back, has kept me med free and I feel, pretty good. I take a bunch of medicinal mushrooms. I have a ginger, tumeric, onion brew to clear my b lungs, throw raw gatlic in soup, found that raw grated hhorseradish helps clear lungs too. Then theres knowing that all these things are health promoting in so many ways. Do some research, there may be something that will help , but first it will do no harm. God Bless you!
Thank you so much Newfie 1, for your kind words and understanding. Yes, I do try.....I take Tumeric, with black pepper and Manuka honey, although I have to be careful as I am on blood thinners (had DVT) and Turmeric is also a blood thinner. I have loads of fruit and veg, I drink only green Jasmine tea, or water. Multivitamins and minerals each day along with castor oil capsules. My diet is excellent. I try to walk at least two miles a day. As you say you need to feel some power or control, and the walking does that for me. (not uphill though, just can't make it.) Unfortunately, people try to stop me doing too much.....they mean well, but it doesn't help really. Today I suppose I will have to take the Prednisolone..........It's not going away so ....ces't la vie......Thank you once again.
Please take ur predniselone x if only v.short term + cut down then off them quik as i find it such a boost of strength that u cant get wivout help wen u got weak lungs x thanx 2 copd 4 that x i know this is a month old post x i jus wanted 2 offer a pearl of wisdom ! Lol ! X take care my friend x hope ur feelin better x😘♥️💋🇬🇧😍♿💙🌈x
I wish I had a magic formula too........lose 4 pounds and put them on again..........I truly eat very small meals, never crisps or sweets, although I do like the odd chocolate, only one. I don't eat 'bars' or biscuits. Probably too much fruit (it's full of sugar). Perhaps it's just me getting older.....
Took the Prednisolone - worked of course....always does, just hate taking it.
Some of us do have a lifetime of fighting through it Belzy, But we just have to keep's better than the alternative ducks!!! Especially when you are also caring for other people, we have no chin up love, onwards and upwards eh?