I was diagnosed in 2009 with COPD/ASthma and take three inhalers. However I am sure some of my cough problems are due to asthmatic trigger not my mild COPD. I now have problems with my arthritis too so like many of us with these chronic diseases find chat on the forums mind distracting from illness. I have a few freinds in the community with the disease so have personal contact with sufferers too. Happy new year to everyone.
Live goes on: I was diagnosed in 2009 with... - COPD Friends
Live goes on

Hi Katie, I, as many of others I'm sure, can relate. Isn't it a blessing to be heard when we want to chat, to get information or even to vent with people who can identify with us? It helps keep me on an even keel knowing I'm not alone on this journey. I'm praying that your cough subsides. Happy New Year to you as well. Terri
My cough never goes away , its just a little worse with certain triggers, laughing too much is one rushing and a lot of asthma irritants like perfume ect. But I get by except if I am given certain drugs so we need doctors who listen to what are individual triggers and sometimes unprepared for treatments. Life goes on we just have to change how we live it . And accept it is not a smokers cough.
Happy New year 🥳 I was diagnosed Nov 2019 ! I too have asthma last two years started to worsen ! Last year started to get constant chest infections now have Mild COPD since been diagnosed at first symptoms were horrible but I think anxiety had influence ! Since I have dealt with anxiety my symptoms have reduced don’t take any medication apart from my asthma inhalers! I have started to change why I eat food and cut out food not good COPD some foods have a lot of carbon dioxide not good for our symptoms and also turned to more natural medicines too ! Helps with symptoms x
Have you found any herbal remedies that work well please? I drink Cherry juice for my arthritis it helps a little but currently with a swollen knee I think I have a gout flare up but its taking a long time to ease so I am not sure. So far I have escaped the winter chest bugs that are going round, but usually it is January time before I succumbe to them. I find the drug in the cold remedies helps my breathing too (PHENylephrine) warm drinks like tea , herbal or otherwise help the secretions & cough. Chat and exchanging ideas works too including convincing your doctor that it works best for you when you find a releiving idea for your symptoms.
Hi Katieoxo60
I take turmeric ginger cinnamon and raw honey in coconut milk heated on the stove can drink it cold or warm . I take Vitamin supplements VD elderberries supplement high dose Vitamin C Magnesium and Zinc take these every day . I do mindfulness gratitude affirmations tapping solution pressure points around the face and don’t let this define you ! Live your life and keep pushing your self doing some exercise and eat healthy you have got this x