Hi everyone, am feeling like am having a copd flare up again my doctor hasn’t given me anything for this incase this happened am taken my inhaler but it’s not giving me any relief am wheezing constantly it feels like am coughing so much, am feeling very anxious at the moment is there anything I can do at home, my cough is beginning to become very dry which is beginning to really hurt thankyou xx le xx
If anyone can help me please: Hi everyone, am... - COPD Friends
If anyone can help me please

Hi if you are feeling unwell please phone the medical help line and get some advice, you may need antibiotics. Let us know how you are take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
Call and get advise now dont leave it
I did see a nurse today and she told me to carry on taking my inhaler which I am doing
I have rang there going to get a doctor to call me back
Glad you called. The wheezing may be a sign of infection. Praying the doctor can advise you & that you feel better soon.
Thanks for praying for me Terri xx
Seen the doctor last night she gave me a nebuliser to help with the wheezing also gave me steroids and antibiotics last night wasn’t a nice night at all I couldn’t sleep with all the coughing thankyou for your advice everyone xxx
Lea, I'm sorry you had a rough night. The good thing is you saw the doctor & was given a nebulizer. Now you'll have it when you need it again. The steroids will keep you awake at night( been there, done that) but I found that propping pillows up against the headboard on my bed or sleeping up on the recliner helps reduce coughing & eases my difficulty with breathing. Be sure to drinking a lot a water. I'm praying for you, that you get the rest you need for your body to heal & that you have a good recovery. God bless & pls give us updates.
Thanks for ur messages your always reassuring and lovely to hear your kind words, yes this is what happened, no haven’t been given one to bring home but they gave me one while I was there, yes this is where I slept last night actually, hard when my little boy likes sleeping next to me but my husband gave him cuddles so he was ok, I just missed cuddling up to him 😢 will try drink plenty, thankyou Terri xxx
Do you have a nebulizer? If you do you could try using just plain water to moisturize your airways. My wife uses a cpap for that very reason. She uses distilled water but plain water would work.
No I haven’t got a nebuliser thankyou for ur advice I will look into this more xxx
I drink alot of water. It seems to clear my throat very well. Also if your not breathing well and in a panic then go to emergency and get help. Contact your doctor dont let him forget you. Learn all you can about your illness and discuss it with your doctor. Your life is important dont let your doctor forget you.
God Bless