In January when I had ct scan, it showed a 1cm ground glass mass in the middle of the right lung. Well, I went back this past Monday for a follow up scan and I’m waiting for the results. We have a website that shows all testing done at hospital or other places and the last time the results were posted sooner than this. No report yet but the lady that did the scan said if it shows something bad the dr won’t release it to go to the website. Naturally I am imagining the worse since it’s not on there. I have an appointment to see my dr on Tuesday. If it doesn’t show up on there before then, I’m afraid it will be bad news. Says pray for me, please.
Scared and Waiting: In January when I had ct... - COPD Friends
Scared and Waiting
There could be a number of reasons the results have not been posted yet. I am not sure how your system works but would suspect they would not put the results up until a doctor has reviewed them with the patient even if the are not bad. Perhaps they are just behind in reading the scans and doing the reports. My understanding is that even if it has grown there are other tests that need to be done to determine if it is malignant or benign and that a mass can grow without it being malignant. I pray that the results will not be bad but please let us know when you get the results.
I pray for you darling may gods healing hands be with you.
It is Easy to say stop worrying, My Consultant will not release any info till she's seen the Scan, So Please get on with a Normal Weekend as bet you can Hun. "No News is Good News" Stay Positive. Love n Hugs. C. XXX
I don't know where you live but here in the US the patient can DEMAND a copy of ALL test results. If they refuse you have legal options.