I've been following these IB Valves or Zephyr Valves as they're now being called, for a while now...They were in clinical trials but too far for me to travel. These are small valves put into place by going down the throat and into the lungs... A cat scan is done to show exactly what part or parts of the lungs the valve(s) need to be placed in...once in place, they open, like an umbrella, to close off the bad part of the lungs which allows the air we breathe to actually do us some good... more info can be found by looking up "Zephyr Valve" made by Pulmonx. i'm just praying that they're doing this in the United States, but I know they're using these in the UK since i've talked to a girl who's going for the cat scan, initial procedure, to see where the valves need to be placed. Does anyone here know anything about this??
New treatment for COPD--Zephyr valve(s) Anyo... - COPD Friends
New treatment for COPD--Zephyr valve(s) Anyone familiar with this?

What a blessing!! This would be wonderful if offered for 'everyone.' I will look into it myself, and thank you so much for posting it.
I went for an assessment for the clinical trial. Decided there were too many issues and problems that can occur. Umbrellas can shift, detach, puncture lungs, cause infections etc. If any of these occur while in the trial you must pay for treatment.
Valves originally created for lung transplant leaks.That did not fare well.
I am in the UK and had the CT scan but it was found that my Emphysema was too bad for the valves to be fitted. My consultant told me that there has to be enough unaffected areas in the lungs for the valves to be of any benefit but... there is another new development undergoing trial 'coils' to widen the air tubes.
that sounds l!ke my case,lungs too bad ,emphysema ,for lung surgery and valves.