I'm new here. This might be one of the dumbest questions on here, but here goes. Was wondering I rarely cough. Should I be? Maybe I would breath better, maybe my lungs are full of crap and maybe I should be coughing it up. I'm 4th stage and of course taking different meds for it (also a few natural). oxygen 24/7 etc. Would like your thoughts. Thank you
coughing or lack of: I'm new here. This might... - COPD Friends
coughing or lack of

I rarely cough either, unless I catch a cold or have a flair up, I have emphysema type, I think it's the chronic bronchitis type that has more coughing cause the air ways are blocked more, with mine the air sacs at the outside are all stretched out and don't have much snap back in them anymore, kinda like a balloon that's been blown up and the air let out a couple of times. It just doesn't look like it did before
I use to cough a lot but dont now. The dr put me on bevespi to make me cough stuff up it works but cant breath well on it so I went back to stiolto. I breath better but stopped coughing. Im also in stage 4. What meds. are you on and how well do they work? I wish you well.
I have emphysema, no idea at this point what stage/how severe, all I know is that my lungs are severely hyper-inflated, but I also have sleep apnea, and lost both upper lobes to lung cancer. I very rarely cough.
Thank you for replying