Good morning everyone, i was diagnosed with emphersema two years ago,i stopped smoking before it got worse,went to see the doctor at the hospital yesterday about my results, i am 64 year old, my lung function has come back at 86%, no cough, yes i do smoke a ecig oh well i suppose thats fairly good news
results: Good morning everyone, i was diagnosed... - COPD Friends

Hi i had a CT scan only because i was getting pains in my left side, I did the right thing giving up when i did i would like it to get into the next stage... i am 64 and i smoked for over 40 years i suppose i got away lighty, or someone was looking down on me...
Hi there I am confused. I have had emphysema for 8 years. Stage 4. I quite smoking 10 years ago and I still have 85% lung loss. I eat healthy and I am looking into stem cell procedure. Please let me know your secret?
no secret, i was lucky it was picked up early,i had a CT because i injured my ribs pulling a heavy motorbike off a stand and it went from there, they did find some scaring on my lung,They did try and find out what i was allergic to it came back with pollen and dust mites , and birds (i hope they dont mean the one;s in short dresses) I had to get that one in, many years ago i did work with the turkeys at xmas so it could have came from that no one knows oh well thats life...
Hi it was picked up two and half years ago, it did come down a little bit no much but has gone up to 86%, i only went to see the doctor a few days ago and that results was from last year i was supposed to have a full lung function test the other day but they are going to get back to me in a few weeks i have been moved down the list because my results are good
hi i have just read your post about when they picked it up, You should be ok now you are off the cigs and hopefully passive too,I went on to a e cig two years ago and yes i have been worried to anxiety issue panic all sorts i am now on cbd with turmercic in helps with fibro and anxiety,The only good thing to come out of this is if i had COPD people struggle to vape with a ecig because the lung has been irritated so i can use a ecig without a problem...
Very good results chris54 well done halting it in time with stopping the killing sticks. Keep active and well . Cx