Understanding PFT Results ????: Wondering if... - COPD Friends

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Understanding PFT Results ????

Kjfreeheitkamp profile image
13 Replies

Wondering if anyone can break down what all this means as this was my first test like this ever and I don't really understand it at all.

And how the diagnose COPD with these findings, like what exactly shows I have COPD as opposed to asthma (which I have had since childhood)

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13 Replies

I never even got a print out like that I was just told severe stage 3 copd/emphysema with a lung volume of 45% I think if I'm reading this right that you have still got quite a high lung volume and that your relievers help quite a bit but as I said I'm still learning also so someone with more experience could probably explain it with much more clarity and accuracy than me as I wouldn't want to give you incorrect information and upset you in any way when someone who knows more could probably put your mind at more ease.Good luck in getting the answers you need and I will follow the post as now I have questions of my own for my copd nurse as to what values I got on my test as I was told none of that so your educating me.All the best x

Kjfreeheitkamp profile image
Kjfreeheitkamp in reply to

You couldn't upset me in this short time I have learned this much.....answers vary drastically from one doctor to the next to the PF Tech, website to website.

I've learned to take what I get with a grain of salt anymore and that's all in the past 2 weeks. 😂

My family doctor handed me this when he told me my results and told me to hang it on my drug as a reminder to never pick up another cigarette.

You actually have a right to every record they have, I obtained all of mine due to seeing a diagnosis of a bulging disc in my neck and never being told about it. Luckily now the hospital and dr I go through has a website they upload all of my reports and things to do I signed up for it and I can see them online as they come in, maybe check with your providers a lot of them now have this option. It's a great tool given a lot of times things are sadly over looked by doctors these days, I think they get too many patients sometimes that they can't keep up...sad considering schools are regulated by student:teacher ratio, I think sometimes physicians should also be limited to a certain number to be able to provide them the best care and make sure things aren't overlooked.....in a perfect world anyway. 😊

in reply to Kjfreeheitkamp

You should take things with a pinch of salt as there is so much negativity out there talking to you helped me today as your more my age and the same sort of situation I find that a lot of sufferers are much older than us and although I find their stories inspirational and positive the one thought I can't shift is if I'm stage 3 just now there only is one stage left and a lot of older people were diagnosed at an early stage quite late in life and deteriorate through age naturally.thanks for telling me about your doctors online service I will look into that as I feel that my lack of information causes a lot of heart ache and I agree that doctors should have a limit to patient numbers as I had an emergency appointment today due to this virus and the doc was out on call my appointment was overdue by an hour and eventually another doctor had to see me and he said he still had another 20 patients to see he even told me he didn't have time to talk gave me some pain killers and rushed me out the door which as you said in those circumstances how can anyone be getting a good quality of treatment x

Kjfreeheitkamp profile image
Kjfreeheitkamp in reply to

That's sad! You have my day so much better as well!

I haven't cried yet today, This is a first since I was told!

I completely understand what you are saying with the age thing, as I feel for anyone with this I get what your saying...we want to live a long life also but realize that may not happen now....it's funny back in the old days I recall my grandfather telling me that smoking and drink was a thing they did all the time especially with men as they tend to smoke more yet most in that generation lived to 70 or better without ever hearing of a disease like this.

in reply to Kjfreeheitkamp

I know you never heard of it I'd never heard of copd either my gran smoked all her life like a chimney and lived until her 80s, I know awareness for copd came to light when Leonard Nimoy said he had copd but other than that I'd never heard of it my mum said her dad died of chronic bronchitis which would come under the umbrella term copd now, my grandparents smoked around me everyday since birth but there was never a mention of passive smoking or copd I remember my papa used to collect John player coupons so he could buy things and he had thousands of these things in bags he said it was like his bank account lol it's funny how times change.Im so glad you've not cried today neither have I so thank you for that I do feel that talking let's a lot of the tension out my wife feels I'm being morbid but just trying to find my feet and learning to cope but as I said earlier I think if you don't have it you just don't understand the emotions or mental processes.x

Kjfreeheitkamp profile image
Kjfreeheitkamp in reply to

That's funny! Good ole granny and gramps! Gotta love them!

No one understands it , it's like a death of a loved one, you can't truly get it until it's happened to you....they feel the effects from our outbusts and depression and such and will most likely one day feel the pain when we are gone but they will never undrstand it fully without having it.

Did you wife quit smoking? Or at least no where around you?

I heard that staying away from that and 3rd hand smoke (which I never heard of before this) is important also.

Never really thought about going places with smoke and being around someone whose clothes smell of it and the affects of it on us until this diagnoses.

Do you guys have an social media or anything like that over there that you are on?

in reply to Kjfreeheitkamp

I tried to quit when diagnosed and my wife refused so I ended back smoking again then she tried to stop and I found it hard and that went on for a few years but it eventually took for me to say either the cigarettes went or I did as I didn't want to die and pointed out that there was no point being sorry for choices when I was gone when we could both stop together and at least have our lives together plus I wanted her to stop for her own health as her dad has copd also.My wife uses social media a lot but I don't I'm afraid I'm a bit old fashioned and wouldn't know where to start with it I'd have to ask my 12 year old how to use it lol.im pushing my internet skills just using this.I was at a pantomime with the kids a couple of weeks ago and when we came out the hall standing right at the door we're two people smoking and blowing the smoke in the direction of people as they were leaving and it took every bit of strength not to shout at them as it made me wheeze and my kids were there, I would never have thought of that before now.x

Kjfreeheitkamp profile image
Kjfreeheitkamp in reply to

That's good she does need to quit especially with the family history!

How long has her father lived with it?

The smokers outside is rude no matter what, I'd imagine you might not have thought of it but I doubt you'd stand there blowing it at people leaving either.

The internet isn't that scary it's easy once you get use to it!

in reply to Kjfreeheitkamp

How are you doing today Kelly?x

Kjfreeheitkamp profile image
Kjfreeheitkamp in reply to

Hi sorry I haven't been on here! I've been feeling bad the past few days, swelling and pain is making me feel I'm losing my mind!

I feel a bit better today!

How have you been? I hope doing better 👍🏼

walkfast-74 profile image
walkfast-74 in reply to

My dr explained it all to me but I still dont understand it so I cant heop you. Ask your doctor

JustSandy profile image

I know that I had been diagnosed with Chronic Bronchritis several times in a couple of years. Then I had the flu several times and then had to end up in the hospital because I couldn't breath. After that I went through some tests and diagnosed me with COPD. I don't understand those tests at all. I just think when you have two or three of these several times and then your breathing is not good they combine it all and call it COPD---Chronic Obstrutive Pulmanary Desease. When some of your lung cells have been damaged to the point that they won't recover and you have the problems with your breathing and lungs. Like I wheeze a lot. I've been diagnosed with this for 20 years. I've been on oxygen for about 10 years, every night and a lot during the day. I keep a temp oxygen with me and I use 3 inhalers and a pill every day. I use Advair, Spireva and albeturol and I take a singular pill every day for the asthma. I hope this has helped you out but you would probably talk to your pulmonary specialist to have all of that explained to you. Hopefully this will help.

Kjfreeheitkamp profile image
Kjfreeheitkamp in reply to JustSandy

Thank you!

What stage are you at?

It confuses me as I've had asthma since childhood never had problems controlling it until recently which apparently it wasn't actually the problem according to them. Anyway I haven't been sickly by any means just been very tired but that has been a 7-8 years thing for me, which I believe has more to do with my anemia than anything...in short

Back in 2009 I had to have a hystorectomy at a young age because of rupturing cysts and there was complications when I went home the very next day I was rushed back and ended up bleeding out and flatlined on the table over losing 2 liters of blood, I have never regained what I was since that happened.....sometimes drs seem to not look at the big picture it's frustrating.

Anyway he put me on a beta blocker then I started having trouble breathing the fact he can't see that this beathing problem started then is more frustrating to me. I still have trouble breathing now even on the new meds sometimes it feels like there is no relief for this ☹️

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