Dr wants me in hospice, hospice intake nurse says NO cause I won't sign a DNR Feel I should be given a chance if I go down again Had stroke yrs ago Also have tons of other things wrong, latest is hernias from coughing I stay as positive as possible but some days just kick my butt. Smiles and good wishes, thanks for accepting me sorry first post so negative Promise to smile rest of day!!!
Stage 4 COPD: Dr wants me in hospice, hospice... - COPD Friends
Stage 4 COPD

Hi I'm dnr I have a advanced directive if the Dr says that I'm dieing they are not to do anything but keep comfortable. I still get all of my meds. I'm not bed bound yet or house bound.I'm on oxygen 24/7. If I want to get out of house I do use a wheelchair. I'm very exhausted all time so I'm usually propped up in bed reading or playing with phone or my tablet it's my comfort zone. Hospice is great.They really\ care and make comfortable. They make sure with pain meds. I want to die in peace. You can rant or talk as much as you want to.I'll be here.please don't suffer when you don't have to. Please think about hospice. You don't have to suffer. Love susie jo
Understand, but think I shul be given the opportunity to be resuscitated if possible. I spoke to a woman in Fla. whose husband did not sign DNR but agreed to not be intabated. I could even go with that. Thanks for the words of wisdom.
Diane I apologize I didn't mean to have you think I was telling you what to do. You have every right to feel as you do. We're all different and have are own ideas. I have a dnr I don't want you to think I was pushing you into it. I care about every one I have a soft heart I didn't want you to suffer. So please for give me. I really meant what I said about being here for you if you want to talk or rant I'm here. I under stand what your going thru. Love susie jo 1948
I have an advance directive, my PC suggested I fill one out after my second LC diagnosis. But I'm not real sure how to word it. I feel as you do, if the doctor says I am dieing, keep me comfortable and let nature take its course. But I can't bring myself to check the DNR box, I am concerned that nothing will be done for me even without a doctors input.
I think my concern stems from something my PCP said, he told me I should have the DNR form somewhere where it is easily seen when you enter my house in case something happens. If the paramedics come in, they will know my wishes. (If they start trying to save me, then see that I have a DNR, they would have to stop, because they would be going against my wishes). My "wish" is to be alive for as long as I am able to function (if I am in a coma with no chance of waking up, pull the plug).
Hi I'm sorry I was trying to push you into a dnr. I apologize. I care Very much I have a soft heart and I don't want anyone suffering. You have every right not to want the dnr okay. I don't want to die either. You can ask me anything you want to know about the advanced directive and how to state exactly what you want. I'll be here for you. I hope you know that. Love susiejo
Oh no hon, I didn't mean it that way, not at all. I actually kinda wanted to ask you how you worded yours, but I wasn't sure I should, but I would welcome any help you may want to offer.
I had no problem making my final arrangements, I am donating my body to our local medical school, and have asked my children to put my ashes in a tree bio-pod when they get them, and plant it so I can become a tree (at least part of one).
I love you too hon, Kate
I understand how you feel. I won't sign a DNR either because to me that gives them permission to not even try, and I'm not ready to go yet. I do have it in writing that I do not want to be kept alive through feeding tubes and a ventilator if it looks like there is no chance of getting off of them.
You should be able to state the circumstances under which it is okay to let you go in peace. For me: if I am not "at deaths door" but for some reason I suddenly stop breathing...resuscitate. If I am "at deaths door" and I stop breathing, let me go.
You can be as negative or positive as you need to be. Come here to rant or cry as often as you need to.