After a few chest infections the doctor asked me to have a spirometry test. The nurse advised moderate obstruction and gp ordered an x-ray which was normal. He advised although a non smoker and 38 based on spirometry it looks like early copd. On the day of my spirometry it was a high pollen day and I was very breathless and had to use my ventolin inhaler before I done the test. I also was still wheezy and chesty. Nurse did not think it was a good day to do it but did anyway. She did not do the reversibility portion of test as I had already used my ventolin inhaler two puffs so she could not give it again. I am repeating the test on Monday and so anxious
Copd?: After a few chest infections the doctor... - COPD Friends

Oh no! I surely understand your anxiety, esp with your age & the fact that you're a non smoker. I'm happy to hear that you're having the test repeated. I'm praying that your new results are different & there's no evidence of copd. Pls keep us posted. God bless, Terri
Hi Greengoddess
Please try not to worry I'm sure you will be fine. You are young and a non smoker and very unlikely to have COPD. Good luck!

I just am worried as I blew a poor spirometry and 2 years ago it was normal
It may be because you are recovering from chest infections and high pollen. Is the inhaler for asthma? Good luck for Monday.

Had childhood asthma and have hayfever rhinitis and reflux. 1st Doc thought chest infections was adult asthma. Have had my ventolin inhaler for a while but very rarely use it only in allergy season

Hi green goddess just wondering why did u have spiremtry test 2 years ago did u have chest problems
Thanks for all your comments. Just feel sick to my stomach to go from having no breathing issues to being told I might have copd. I don't even have family history of it. My mum has asthma and she was a smoker but stopped 2 years ago. My grandfather had bronchitis from his 30s until he died at 78 of bronchial pneumonia he smoke all his life except the last 5 years although they never called it copd x
This is a long story, feel like a broken record, but please, please, before you plunge into the myriad of pharmaceutical treatments, look into some natural immune building products. I'm 51born and raised in the US countryside, no risk factors, but somehow acquired TB. After treatment for this, was left with 20 percent of my lungs and was suffering from chronic pnuemonia, and I've smoked forever, and ever. After research, I put myself on a combination of medicinal mushrooms, cordyceps, reishi, chaga. Make a tea with ginger and tumeric (anti inflammatory) also take Nac and extra magnesium. Now I should be dead and was told my condition would continue to worsen. I am med free, highly functional and have not had a sniffle since my last hospitalization, last fall. Sounds like you have a weakened immune system, non smoker too young for COPD. Inhalers/steriods will weaken you further and leave you vulnerable. Please look into some of these things first, and no your doctor will probably not support your efforts. The doctors who pronounced my doom, would want me dead as my recovery is proof that treating the whole system naturally works, as opposed to treating the symptoms without healing.
Thanks for the support I will definitely try the tea as I think it might be the only think I can manage to make. I will look into the other things also x
Medicinal mushrooms have been widely studied are available from many sources online. I would look for a reptable (not the cheapest sourse. And the NAC is available at drug stores and online, very cheap. Precursor to a super antioxidant needed by lungs, breaks up conjestion. Good luck, your body was made to heal itself, given the right ingredients, it will.