Hello. I'm new here. I co u n d the sight looking for information for my mom who has copd. She is 74 and just got home after 23 days in the hospital with the flu and pneumonia. I m curious if anyone is familiar with a groan type load moan with every breathe. It's been going on for about 5 months. Thanks
Moan and groan with breathing: Hello. I'm new... - COPD Friends
Moan and groan with breathing
I do it ,too if I'm not thinking about it, but myl kids say mine sounds like I'm saying owie, some days it really does hurt to breathe, the muscle tighten up around my lungs so it's real work to get air in and out. This could be what's going on is she's in pain.
I also do purse lip breathing, where you blow out through pursed lips like your blowing out a candle, and if I make a noise when I do it helps empty my lungs more, I have to blow harder to make the noise.
I think they call it grunting expirations. I do it continuously when I'm out of breath which is always when I'm moving around at all. I read something once, online, that this grunting helps to open or keep open the airways by releasing pressure at the beginning of the expiration. It's annoying, even to me, but I can't help it so me and those around me will have to live with it.