I need to get this off my chest and could probably do with some advice.
Background - been feeling very tired with dizziness for months, I've lost a couple of stone without trying, I'm severely anemic (hb 7 ferritin 8), low in folic acid, ers and crp extremely high both in high 80 for over 6 months, I'm 39.
Had colonoscopy yesterday, they found a polyp in the rectum that was too large and painful to remove under the light sedation I was under yesterday and said I will have to come back to have it removed under a full anaesthetic in about 4/5 weeks.
I've been passing a little bright red blood for months maybe even a couple of years and have on occasion had a burst of blood pass into my underwear. I thought I had a hemorrhoid because I could feel a lump near my anus and wasn't worried. I've also noticed mucus in the stool. Now I'm freaking, so worried. The nurse yesterday said that the doctor said looking at the polyp that he didn't think it was cancerous, I don't find that particularly reassuring.
Am I right to be worried? What should I do to address this, make a gp appointment?