I'm a 44 year old male that has been dealing with lower left side pain on and off for about 5 months now, I have soft bowel movements with no blood I can see anyways, and diarrhea once in a while. I had a CT scan 2 months ago and findings were mild thickening of distal descending and sigmoid colon, but bowel was otherwise unremarkable. I'm a father of 2 and absolutely terrified of what this colonoscopy might find. Many things point to possible benign condition, inflammation or infection but I fear the worst, any thoughts on this would be of great help putting my mind at ease as I suffer from clinical anxiety as well. Thanks
Colonoscopy in two weeks and I'm worr... - Colon Cancer Conn...
Colonoscopy in two weeks and I'm worried

Hi. I had a colonoscopy a month ago. I was in your shoes. I had the lower left pain, soft stools and I was also loosing A LOT of blood. The waiting for the colonoscopy was the worst part - limboland! I knew there were other things it could be but I feared the worst. I also prepared myself for the worst ( I too have health anxiety). Other than what was going on in my stomach I was still able to train at the gym which I found reassuring. I’m a 43 year old mum and this family needs me. I knew that if I were diagnosed with cancer I was ready to fight it head on. There are lots of treatment options available nowadays and I was pretty sure if I did have it then I was catching it early. Anyway, at the colonoscopy I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and given medicine. I’m back at the clinic in November for a follow up. The medicine has worked really well.
There is nothing you can do to avoid the situation you’re in. You’re doing the right thing in getting this investigate. Right now there is nothing more that you can do. Just try to do stuff that relaxes you and distracts your mind. It’s never too late to make healthy choices. Make sure you’re eating well, take vitamins and I recommend probiotics too. I’m no medical expert. Just talking about my experience and I hope it helps you. I really hope you get some good results in a couple of weeks. I also hope you enjoy the gas and air as much as I did. Having been stressing for a long time it was nice to be away with the fairies for a bit!
Thanks for the reply, I'm always leaning towards the worst case scenario, but if it is, God forbid, something concerning, I am also ready to do everything in my power to fight that terrible disease, I have a lot to live for! It seems with everything so far that even if it is, it would be early stage and treatable, so there's that, but I'm trying to relax and just know that I'm doing all the right things to not ignore my symptoms and nip this in the butt immediately! I have a family history of bowel issues, no cancer but IBS/IBD and I also suffer from diverticulosis, it's something I need to deal with and was honestly looking for someone out there that's in my shoes or has been, and a little reassurance. So thank you for that, and I'm glad to hear everything is good on your end, as parents it's a little different but I'm working through it. Sure it's nothing major but again my mind has other ideas lol. Take care
Try not to worry and think the worst (easier said than done) Ive had low left sided pain which started over 10 years ago (no answrs from ultrasound and drs over the years) this pain became near constant over the last 8 months and then noticed change in bowel habits and intermittent blood in stool. Finally plucked up the courage to see drs again after lots of worrying - stool rest and fit test completed leading to a colonscopy last month which found a giant polyp in sigmoid colon. (Currently waiting on histology but at least it was found before anything more sinister) (41 year old mum of 4)
Thank you for sharing your story, I'm doing my best to keep calm and not worry, and like you said it's easier said than done, but I know that I'm doing the right thing in getting this looked after ASAP. I honestly am almost looking forward to having it done now, as at least it will give me piece of mind knowing what's happening, either way, and the guessing will be over. I just hope that in the end it's something not too malicious and I can start addressing the issue. I'm trying to stay positive and will definitely post here again after my colonoscopy with the results fingers crossed 🤞
I know what it is like, I had a colonoscopy just over a year ago. I had a high FIT test. The pain on the left side of the abdomen is quite often diverticulosis which it turned out to be. Plus 4 benign polyps which were removed. I also had an internal haemorrhoid . I think we all think the worst when most are not anything to do with cancer. Having the colonoscopy is the best thing. Good luck and best wishes.
Thanks for the positive well wishes, glad to hear your in good health and spirit as well, I'm thinking a bit more positive lately after hearing the responses from people such as yourself going through the same experience, and honesty it's making this a bit easier for me. Trying to put it out of my head and focus on enjoying the rest of summer with my family and just enjoy life for now. It's gonna be relieving either way to get this over and done with and move forward no matter the results. Again fingers crossed 🤞

Hi Iam197963,
Thanks for posting with us. You've really gotten some great feedback from several people about what you're going through. This site has some great people willing to share and help others get through some big issues. What you are experiencing could be caused by a lot of different things. One positive side of this is that the colonoscopy will get you some information that you can work with, and you won't have to do a lot of speculating on what's going on. I get an annual colonoscopy as a part of my surveillance for what I've been through. I actually look forward to it for two reasons. One, it gives me the information that I expect that I am still beating cancer. Two, I look forward to the most restful sleep anyone will ever get. I find the colonoscopy to be very relaxing. I hate to say it, but I actually look forward to it. It is so restful. Propofol is the anesthesia I get.
I find it beneficial to focus on the things you can control. Doing the prep work properly is a part of being the best patient you can be. I also look at the colonoscopies being something very beneficial due to the information it can give you. Be proud of what you’re doing and I see that you are. You also have a lot to live for and that you are doing absolutely everything you need to be doing in this situation. You should be proud of that. You're doing great.
I do wish you the best in finding out some good information and getting on the path to being well as soon as possible. Please let us know what you find out as it is this type of information that can be helpful to others on this site as well.
Thank you,
~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.
Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.
Thank you, I do see there are many people out there working through the same experiences and appreciate the support here. I needed a bit of reassurance and definitely found some here, it's somewhat helped with a bit of my anxiety and I am now just focusing on the fact that I'm doing the right thing and taking this very seriously. I staying positive and just looking forward to getting it out of the way once and for all. Thanks for your reply, seeing that you are a survivor also gives me hope, that if it is something negative that we can fight through it and keep moving through life as you did. I will post my results afterwards for sure.
Lower left side can be diverticulitis from an infection there. I had that and it was resolved when I resolved the cause. We really have a knack for thinking worst case scenario, don't we. The irony being that stressing can only make us feel worse physically and exacerbate the problem. I'm just curious , do you notice the anxiety coincides with episodes of pain in that area? I read such fascinating stuff on the gut brain connection and found it to be so true for myself.
I had a CT scan done and they ruled out diverticulitis, although I do have diverticulosis, I have mild mural thickening in my descending and sigmoid colon, report said most likely post infection post inflammatory and bowel is unremarkable otherwise, so that's the issue, with slight on and off pain, and yes I do find somewhat that the more I stress about it or my anxiety peaks for sure. I also heard that the mind is very connected to the digestive system so I'm sure it plays a part. I have my colonoscopy next week Wednesday so I'll know more then, fingers crossed it's something manageable. I'll post my findings after the results come back. Thanks for the response
Colon prep today and colonoscopy tomorrow, here we go!
Good luck. I'm keeping everything crossed for ya! I too, have been suffering with diarrhea, type 6, for 9 whole weeks now. And sometimes, alongside the diarrhea, I have thin/stringy stools. I get mucus in my stool nearly every day. I get nauseous every so often. I get cramps nearly every single day for the whole 9 weeks now. I have lower back pain. I suffer with stomach gurgling/noises every single day, whether in the day or at night, all the bloody time. I got a positive FIT test last week and I too, have a colonoscopy scheduled on the 11th September. I'm starting my preparation on Saturday night into Sunday day. I'm so anxious. I'll keep you in my prayers too.
Sounds like we are in the same boat, I can tell you right now that I'm going through the prep end of things and it's not all that fun, it's not that bad either, I'm starving though and can't wait to eat some solid food after this is all done lol. At least we are doing the right thing in having our issues investigated, and the not knowing is the biggest concern for me, I want to get better once and for all and know that this colonoscopy is going to give me the information I need to take care of what ever this may be. I'm wishing you all the best as well and I will let you know how it goes for me tomorrow once I'm coherent enough to do so. Good luck and I'll be back soon.
Hi, I hope you're not feeling too badly and that everything went well. Keeping you in mind.
Thanks so much, my appointment is in a couple hours, once I'm able to, after coming off anesthesia, I'll post how it went 😊
Ahh, sorry. I thought you'd already had it. I live in the UK, you see and so I'd just assumed. Good luck.
Hi! How was it? I'm waiting on my colonoscopy this Wednesday. Nervous wreck.
Colonoscopy was not as bad as I thought it was going to be at all, I was a nervous wreck for months waiting for it to happen just like you, but in the end the results were good, no polyps, nothing concerning just a bout of diverticulitis, but beyond that everything was great. It's hard not to be anxious about something unknown but once you get in and see what your dealing with finally it's a huge relief, and again, the sleep is absolutely amazing. Wishing you luck, and I'm sure the outcome will be fine as well. Take care