Hi there, despite following all advice and treatments suggested by doctors I kept having rectal bleeding for 8 months, possibly due to a chronic anal fissure according to the last GI specialist I saw, though the previous Dr’s concluded no fissure was present and one haemorrhoid that was very small..I have pushed to get a colonoscopy done privately in my country of origin (tomorrow) and currently prepping for that. I am worried about the procedure, both the outcome and any complications that may occur. Any advice or reassurance would be appreciated.
Colonoscopy tomorrow, currently prepp... - Colon Cancer Conn...
Colonoscopy tomorrow, currently prepping and worried

Hi once again Vesgesh … I am so happy that you are getting the colonoscopy tomorrow. That will be the best way for you to get some good answers. I hate the health care system failed you but I am happy to see you have found a way around it.
So, you are now prepping for the colonoscopy. What kind of prep are you using? I find that moving the timeline up on everything at least an hour and a half helps because when you have to go to sleep the night before, you won’t have to think about finding a bathroom. Also, the next day, it won’t feel so urgent to find a bathroom when you’re on your way to the facility where the colonoscopy will be performed. As far as taste, I usually add some lime Gatorade or other hydration drink that is not red or purple. This makes the flavor better and adds electrolytes which are beneficial. Also, you can add more fluids to thin it out of that would be a benefit as well.
I get a colonoscopy every year. That is part of my surveillance to look for polyps and anything else and catch things early. I actually look forward to it because it is a very restful sleep. I get put under with a drug called propofol. It is very relaxing. I wish I could take some home but they won’t let you do that. I have never had any complications when getting my colonoscopies. I trust my doctors and the place where I’m going. The only thing I focus on is doing the prep correctly the night before and the morning of the procedure. That is one thing I can control and I need to do properly so the colonoscopy can be successful.👍
Having this done should get you some good answers so you may get on the path to being well soon. We do issue the very best in getting this done. I know it’s a little strange as you are only 27, but please be sure that that is a benefit for you. You’ll be getting some good answers and catching anything early which is key. The colonoscopy will do that for you.
I am proud of you. I wish you all the best with your procedure tomorrow.😁👍🙏💪
Hi Tom, thank you for the kind words, the prep they do here is called Endofalk, 7 sachets in 4 litres of water to be had the day before procedure. I have just discharged from hospital, I have internal haemorrhoids and a chronic anal fissure, they took a biopsy for h pylori but no inflammatory conditions or the C word. My abdomen still feels pretty sensitive, some pains, a lot of gas, managed to pass some liquid stool and it had small blood flecks but I assume this is common? Hopefully it gets better in the next couple of days🤞🏼
For me, the worst part was the prep the night before. I too was worried about what would be found, so I opted for no sedation. I could feel the scope as it made it past the bends in the colon, but it wasn't painful " I have a high pain tolerance". If you are the type that has anxiety or a low pain tolerance, I would opt for a sedative. With that said, my doctor was really good and went slow. When it's time for my next one, I will probably choose a mild sedative since my curiosity was fulfilled. I didn't have any issues afterwards.
Hi there, thanks for your message, here they do general anaesthesia for a colonoscopy which was fine with me since I was very much panicking😂 I’ve been experiencing some abdominal pains, a lot of gas, managed to pass some liquid stool and it had small blood flecks but I assume this is common? Hopefully it gets better in the next couple of days
I had those symptoms, but my issue wasn't colon cancer. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Sjogren's and Autoimmune Pancreatitis type 1. My doctors suspected colon cancer, then bladder cancer and pancreatic cancer. I lost a lot of weight and had a lot of other symptoms. I cut out ALL gluten, sugar, dairy and fatty foods and the gas, gut pains, belching, watery poop and blood specs went away. I'm on a low FODMAP diet that is gluten, dairy and sugar free. I can easily trigger these issues by eating any of the above.
Ah I see, yes I have suspected Sjorgen’s too relating to other symptoms though. I have been diagnosed with internal haemorrhoids and a chronic anal fissure, still feeling slightly tender after the colonoscopy procedure. I’m glad you’ve discovered what helps and this has had positive changes!
Hello Vesgesh,I am happy to provide my personal Colonoscopy "Just Get It Done!" Tips for you.
I have had many and the preperation is TERRIBLE!
1) You do not want to become too dehydrated bc yr body could go into a state of shock. Very bad. Let's avoid that at all costs.
2) Try to get a couple cans of clear Sodapop or clear Cola such as a Ginger Ale, Sprite or 7Up.
3) Buy Straws for sipping. Very important.
4) Make sure you have access to a toilet and tons of soft baby wipes or some cream or vaseline bc your skin can get chaffed and that won't feel good.
5) it depends on what Prep you are using.
Some people just buy the ClenPrep or SuPrep or PlenVu there is even a chewable pill to take that will clean your bowels out the night before. I took that pill bc it was given to me by the excellent surgen who resectioned my colon from colon cancer. I think the pill is by far the BEST way to go for everyone; sadly, even my local hospitals largest gastroenterology department -has no knowledge of that colon prep pill "Sutab" or something like that.
6) Keep warm clothes and a blanket close by bc you will get the chills and its not fun. If it gets too bad you may need to go to the hospital.
7) when drinking the Colon Prep
First, make sure it has been refrigerated and chilled.
8) Next gather your cans of sodapop and insert your straws into everything you will be drinking.
9) after mixing the Clen or SuPrep follow the directions-then take a big sip of the Colon Prep and then immediately chase it down with a big sip of that Sodapop. After every sip of Colon Prep sip that Sodapop!!!!
10) some people will mix the colon prep with the soda before drinking and drink it all together. To me it just makes the colon prep that much nastier tasting. Chasing it afterwards really helps a lot!
11) once you get yr bowels all cleaned out just go to sleep and get yr rest!!!!!
12) the next day you may still have to prep again or if your stool is completely clear you may be fine.
13) a fully cleaned out colon has clear watery liquid coming out of you. No color to very pale yellow. Zero stool.
14) At the Colonoscopy they take your vital signs. Have you sign liability paperwork and explain the provedure to you.
15) I personally do really well under the anesthesia they typically use. You get to have a nice peaceful sleep.
16) then you wake up and go home and your all done!
I am thinking of you and will say a little Prayer for you that all goes well tomorrow. Don't worry to much. The hardest part is prepping for this nasty thing. I promise you if you get that done you should commend yourself!
Stay Strong and Have Faith that all will be well. You are God's creature and he is watching over you even if you are asleep!
❤🙏💪😇 ~

Hi there thank you so much for the advice and kind words, it’s very much appreciated!!! I did manage to complete my prep (it was pretty horrible ha) and had my colonoscopy yesterday, overall feel pretty ok today, but still have some aches, trapped gas and belching. My results did show internal haemorrhoids and chronic anal fissure, so I’m very relieved but wonder how long until my digestive system goes back to normal🥹 I hope you’re doing well and wish you all the best!!!
Oh I am So Happy to hear you are doing better. I was thinking of you all night saying prayers for you. It doesn't take long at all to get back to normal. Happy Days to you and Thank you for yr kind wishes. I was having a B E A U T I F U L D A Y and then I went to the drs....no worries i just am missing the warmth and Sunshine.Brightest Blessings to you ~ 🌺👸😎🙏