I’m 63, have been feeling very weak for about six weeks and feel better on and off, I have stomach cramps, looser quick stools and sometimes constipation. Two days ago I had terrible diarrhoea followed by a fairly large loss of mucous like blood in the toilet pan, I’ve just seen very tiny streak of blood Since but today stool seems ok. I ha e a CT scan booked for next week. My routine cancer stool test was ok two months ago and my FIT test was ok also about two months ago although I hadn’t seen blood then. I often have pain on my left side. I am so worried that I have colon cancer.
Very worried: I’m 63, have been feeling... - Colon Cancer Conn...
Very worried

Hi sorry to hear what you're going through but I'm glad that you'll have your ct booked next week, i know it's hard not to worry, me myself is also worried for my mom as well.
update us how you get on, have a nice day!
do you mind me asking if the blood you've seen was mixed with the poop? is it watery or kinda jelly like??? I've read that mostly jelly like consistency is from inflammation
Hi the blood followed a bad bout of diarrhoea, it looked like jellylike blood to be honest, I hope that’s a good sign.
I hope your mum is ok.
i have read a post about a cancer patient where his symptoms is mainly watery looked like blood he just recently had jelly like mucusy blood in stool when he was on his chemo he said that he developed piles due to it. so I'm trying to be positive i hope you too, don't be discouraged
my mom is doing okay now she's looking after her health been doing exercise and on a diet.
Hi it wasn’t in my stools, just followed the diahhorea but was jelly like and really red
same with my mom, how long u been having the symptoms?? my mom has the symptoms for almost 2 years.
Hi I’ve probably had some symptoms for at least a year, but this is the first time I’ve seen blood at all. I feel it’s serious as I’ve been feeling so drained for a couple of months, flu like symptoms although I have had a few days here and there when I feel better. What are your mums symptoms?
she doesn't feel sick at all, her symptoms is on and off blood that is slimy/jelly looking, she has external hemorrhoids grade 3 and suspecting internal too gp felt a lump inside her anus but didn't conclude it was hemorrhoids so a scope is needed but unfortunately can't have one due to pandemic (really praying it's just internal piles that was felt inside her), intermittent pain in her lower left abdomen (very unusual to happen) maybe also because of her cyst in her ovaries.
Sounds like your mum has piles and this will be confirmed, it’s all very worrying but I suppose we must try not to worry.
that's the best thing to do not to worry but we can't avoid it.
i hope you're doing fine
Indeed! I’m ok very tired, Monday can’t come quick enough!
you'll get through that, update us with your ct scan