I read via google that colon cancer sometimes spreads to the scalp. Has anyone heard of or can confirm this? Reason I ask, I am awaiting scheduling for my colonoscopy (I'm in the USA, minimum 4-6 weeks wait to book an appointment). I am also having sores on my scalp and a potential enlarged lymph node about 4 fingers away from my left ear (again, making assumptions from viewing google photos).
Bit of background, my main GI symptoms are weight loss (40+ pounds) and abnormal-looking bowel movements. I've been diagnosed with having gallstones, which from google shows as a symptom of rapid weight loss, not a cause. It is likely the cause of my bowel movements being the color that they are and I accept that part. It's the part where food is coming out looking likely it's barely been chewed much less digested that is my main concern. I could attach photos but I don't actually have photos of the really scary ones that came out looking like a string of pearls.
I'm also having "hot flushes" which they try to tell me is because I'm a woman in my 50s but I'm reading it's also a sign of potential carcinoid tumors. The heat turns up soon after eating a meal, as well as waking me up in the middle of the night/early morning.
My abdominal CTs have not showed any masses. I'm having a chest/throat CT tomorrow to check for masses since I have had GERD my whole life and also fear esophagus cancer. Insurance refuses to pay for the chest/throat CT so I'm paying the $500 or so out of pocket for either peace of mind and/or to accelerate the diagnosis process, depending on if they see anything. The CT is "without contrasting" so who knows.
Yes I know, I've done an excessive amount of googling, which is discouraged. But the doctors I've talked to do not seem to put two and two together and haven't heard of (or admit to hearing about) a link between colon and scalp cancer.
Yes I have a skin cancer screening appointment in the works as well. Just waiting on a call back to get that booked. So just twiddling my thumbs waiting on appointments and idly asking the internet for advice while waiting.
Thanks in advance.