Scared might have rectal cancer - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Scared might have rectal cancer

L12346 profile image
29 Replies

Hey everyone, I want to share what I’m going through I hope I could get some advice,

A month ago I started seeing brown blood coating my stool, then it became bright red. The stool test detected E. coli which might’ve been causing it. But since then I continued seeing blood, however E. coli should only last 10 days and it has been a month and I saw strikes of blood in my stool . I also experienced constipation and had very thin stool which is causing me to worry, so I took laxatives which helped but I still see brown blood like the beginning and sometimes have thin stool, I saw like a mass under the skin of my anus but I’m not sure if it is actually so I’m going to the dr on Friday, I’m worrying it might be rectal cancer

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L12346 profile image
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29 Replies

hi L12346 we are same situation I have streak blood in my stool since April but on and off specialy when I'm having a hard stool I feel so scared and I think I have healthy anxiety and to the point that I always check my poops. so I decided to go to my GI doctor and make a schedule for colonoscopy and last week is my prep and the last Monday is the day thanks god it's just a small internal hemorhoids I feel relieved. so I just want to advice you try to have colonoscopy because blood in the stool is not good.. by the way I'm 35 years old I hate sickness.. Thank you.. :)

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to

I have a question, are ur stools thin or normal sized?

in reply to L12346

my doctor said stress can cause narrow stool.. and based on my research our mind is connected to our gut.. so if you still bothering about your poops I suggest take a colonoscopy because colonoscopy is the best way or answer your health anxiety.. take care.. :)

BluejMan profile image

I’m having a similar issue I’m 27. I have had blood on the toilet paper and after a rectal exam was told it was hemmoroids. So Ive been dealing with that for a couple years. Recently I felt like my stool has narrowed so I went to my GP. He said he thinks I’m fine and blood tests came back perfect. He is still going to push for me to see a GI and schedule a colonoscopy for peace of mind. Ive been changing my diet and have added a lot of fiber. My stools are getting more solid and my bleeding has pretty much stopped. My anxiety is causing me to over analyze any symptom I have such as small abdominal pains that aren’t regular. Let’s get through this together.

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to BluejMan

What’s stressing me is my narrow stools and cramping and lower back pain as well, but I don’t think that hémorroïde would cause all of this, I really don’t know I’m so scared and want my dr to tell me to get a colonoscopy but I don’t know how maybe he will think I’m crazy

BluejMan profile image
BluejMan in reply to L12346

Just go do it. Call them up and bring somebody with you. Your health concerns are never crazy. Explain your concerns and how it’s impacting your life. Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself.

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to BluejMan

Thank you so much!!

BluejMan profile image
BluejMan in reply to L12346

Update: I visit the GI doc this Friday hope the visit goes well

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to BluejMan

I’m having a visit too on Friday , hope he’ll take me seriously

feelsotired profile image
feelsotired in reply to L12346

What did doctor say?

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to feelsotired

At first he kept saying it’s just hémorroïdes but then I told him that I also saw some mucus and I have cramps, suddenly he became serious and worried and asked me if I am losing weight and ordered a stool test which is cal protein. I actually did it like a week beforehand from another dr and it came back negative so I didn’t have to do a colonoscopy. This time I made it once again and if it comes back positive I will go to a gastroenterologist and might to a colonoscopy

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to BluejMan

How did it go??

BluejMan profile image
BluejMan in reply to L12346

GI doctor told me he really believes it is nothing serious but to prove it he ordered me a colonoscopy for tomorrow. Im hoping all goes well my anxiety has been destroying me.

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to BluejMan

U might be a hypochondriac like I am, I barely trust doctors. But sometimes u really need to trust them they know better than what someone random wrote on google and they’ve seen a lot of cases, good luck for tomorrow !!

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to BluejMan

Hey how did ur colonoscopy go

BluejMan profile image
BluejMan in reply to L12346

It went well! I came up negative. Have now been struggling with anxiety regarding other issues now.

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to BluejMan

That’s so good! And same!!! I’m now scared I have bone cancer 😅

BluejMan profile image
BluejMan in reply to L12346

Yeah I moved on to Skin but I’ve been to the derm and they’ve said I’m ok. Working to improve mental health now through therapy.

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to BluejMan

I will go see a psychologist for cognitive therapy I highly advise u do the same

Mondlee profile image

So have you gone for any checks and what did your doctor says

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to Mondlee

Hey! I just came back from a gastroenterologist turns out I have ibs and some hemeroids she gave me some medecin

Mondlee profile image
Mondlee in reply to L12346

So it’s the hemorrhoids that cause the bleeding and can really IBS be detected??

L12346 profile image
L12346 in reply to Mondlee

There are no tests to detect ibs but she said that because of the infection ( E. coli) I had gastroenteritis which lead to ibs afterwards and I had anal fissure which caused the bleeding

Ramirezzzzz profile image
Ramirezzzzz in reply to L12346

Be careful! Anul fissures can turn into cancer they Time

Neckipooh_27 profile image
Neckipooh_27 in reply to Ramirezzzzz

Anal fissures cannot turn into cancer!

JoyceJH profile image

Hi.. Hope you are well there... I have had similar situation since June last year.. I went to do a colonoscopy and found a polyp... Hopefully colonoscopy is clear for you and you won't be worried as much,..

I think you have hemorrhoids

GBP4L profile image

What other symptoms do you have? I have been bleeding off and on for 3 years now. Got a colonoscopy and was all clear no polyps, no IBS but they did see internal hemorrhoids. Still bled so I asked for a MRI with contrast of my pelvic area focusing on my colon. It also came back clear. As well clean blood work. Hemoglobin levels were normal. Currently still bleeding every now and then. I was worried but after all that if it was something serious I would have already had sever symptoms other than bleeding. I say all this to you because it may just be hemorrhoids. A lot of people with colon cancer don’t even see evidence of blood.

Mondal08 profile image

How are you now?

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