Rectum Bleeding 3 years: Hello, Dec... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Rectum Bleeding 3 years

Jetsky12 profile image
9 Replies

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Hello, Dec 2018 I noticed I had to push hard to pass stool a month later I bled. On and off since then I’ve had painless rectal bleeding. I’ve had a colonoscopy in feb 2020 it was all clear. Said no polyps nor signs of inflammation. Dr told me to take more fiber and stool softener of which I did. But the fiber just made me feel full and felt like it made things worse. Later that year I went back because I was still bleeding and was given a pelvic CT scan and blood work. Everything normal. Now Sep 2022 still bleeding. I went to the ER the other day because I bled bad( I can post picture but it’s gross) ER said it’s hemorrhoids. Told me I was too young and recommended I lose a few lbs. This all has me feeling like I’ve done my part, seeked help and being told it’s hemorrhoids. So if I die I die. I can also feel my asshole inflamed when I go and push too hard. So I know I do have hemorrhoids but it’s just so much blood. Maybe im just worrying too much. Drs also don’t recommend surgery as it can cause issues later down the road. Thank you for listening.

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Jetsky12 profile image
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9 Replies
WthrMtsfan712 profile image

First off, how old are you? Secondly, the amount of blood you're passing seems to be very concerning to me and I think you should try your hardest to get another colonoscopy as well as an endoscopy, if you can. I also think it's ridiculous that the doctors you have been seeing don't recommend surgery of some sort, especially when you're bleeding as much as you are. Anyway, I really hope you'll be able to get better soon. Please keep us updated with how everything is going.

GBP4L profile image
GBP4L in reply to WthrMtsfan712

Hello, thanks for replying. It seems to come and go. I don’t have any other symptoms. Going to ask for a second opinion. It’s crazy how my blood word was fine too.

GBP4L profile image
GBP4L in reply to WthrMtsfan712

I’m 36 btw

WthrMtsfan712 profile image

Yeah. I'm surprised that you weren't dealing with iron deficiency anemia given how much the hemorrhoids you have seem to bleed at times. I was passing a lot of blood a few years ago and was suffering from iron deficiency anemia at the time. I'm female, though, so part of that might have been due to the heavy periods that I suffer from. And I don't know why the doctors you have been seeing wouldn't recommend surgery when you're 36 years old. I could understand if you were 16 or 23. But, at 36, if surgery will improve your symptoms, I don't understand why it wouldn't be an option, even if it is a hard surgery to go through.

GBP4L profile image

Did you have painless bleeding too with out other symptoms? What did you have done to correct it? I’ma heavy energy drink drinker and been wondering if that may have causing inflammation. I’m going to lose some weight, change my diet and workout and see if that improves my hemorrhoids.

WthrMtsfan712 profile image
WthrMtsfan712 in reply to GBP4L

Well, when all of my symptoms first started up, I was just dealing with painless rectal bleeding. Then, it got to be harder for me to pass gas. And I was just passing this pink jelly like mucus at times instead of any stool. This was all going on in the latter months of 2019. Things got a little better for me from around January 2020-June 2020. But, in late June of 2020 I started to experience so much gas in my stomach, it was ridiculous. Then, I started to get even more constipated. And in late 2020, I found out that I have some rather large uterine fibroids that seem to be compressing my colon and rectum. I did start passing some more blood and mucus in April of this year. Fortunately, it wasn't as bad as the bleeding was in late 2019. I did have a flexible sigmoidoscopy performed on me in June and it only showed that I have grade 1 hemorrhoids and a skin tag. So it's annoying to continue to sometimes have issues, even though I only have grade 1 hemorrhoids. Although, maybe if you have several of them, as I suspect I do, that can really cause a person some problems. Right now, I seem to be doing okay by really watching what I eat and taking better care of myself. I probably will have to get treatment for the fibroids soon enough, though.

Jollyjoey profile image

Sorry your going through this. This is not medical advice and you should always see your doctor. However I have been having sporadic red strips with a little mucus recently. It happened just Tuesday after eating spicy food. So I went to the store and bought aloe Vera juice and have been drinking it the last three days. Also I have been taking a table spoon of extra virgin olive oil twice a day. One in the morning and once at night along with using prep h and hemroid suppositories. I’ve limited my food intake and take and also take fiber drink at night. Metamucil. I noticed the last two days the bleeding has stopped and things are much more calmer and feel a lot better. I have a colonoscopy in three weeks just be sure. I’m 46 and this will be my second colonoscopy. First on at 33 for horrible hemmroids Colon looked perfect at 33. I’m not recommending you do this just offering insight of what I did. It was simple and by no means controversial. I was amazed at the health benefits of aloe Vera juice and olive oil. Check it out if you want. Best of luck God Bless!

GBP4L profile image
GBP4L in reply to Jollyjoey

Hey thanks for that! I’ll try it. I guess to me since I’ve already been told it’s hemorrhoids after a clean CT and Colonoscopy last year, I’m not thinking surgery so I will try Prep H suppositories and the aloe juice. I’ll let you know how that goes. I do know that I need to eat better and exercise more. Again, thanks for your insight.

Worrywart23 profile image

Hello I have the same exact issues. Also Mines looks identical to your picture! I have been having bleeding off and on I do notice it's more when I eat hot spicy foods and drink. I went to the doctor and they said I was to young as well to get a colonoscopy even though my dad had colon cancer. I switched doctors so now am waiting to go to my appointment but man this is so scary! I also have hemorrhoids so it could be that and they first doc did say he could do a simple surgery to remove them if they continue to cause issues.

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