Colonoscopy in a few days. So scared! - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Colonoscopy in a few days. So scared!

shesatiger profile image
25 Replies

Hi guys I'm a 42 year old female. Just after my son was born 11 years ago I developed excruciating stomach issues on the left side and was doubled in pain. I had to go to a walk in centre. It may be worth mentioning that I suffer from anxiety and PTSD, but I was under a lot of stress at the time. The doctor said it's an ulcer and prescribed me with omeprazole and eventually the pain subsided. After no issues from my stomach for several years, I was going through stress again and it flared up. Occasionally bright red blood in stools so I was prescribed omeprazole again and told not to worry. This was two years ago. Most recently 5 weeks ago after a huge amount of stress, I started to get explosive watery diorreah, stomach pain on left, rumbling stomach,reflux and I went to the doctor who prescribed omeprazole and a stool test. It came back positive for 18ug of blood which is way over the 6 ug as normal. I suffer with ibs (apparently) but I've been sent for a colonoscopy urgently. I'm terrified. Doctor said he's 1% sure it's cancer. I I had a full blood count done 5 months ago and liver profile, lung x-ray etc and all normal, I'm scared something is serious. I go to the gym, haven't lost weight but was eating terribly in lockdown. Not healthy. Now I can't stop crying. I've got two children, had to cancel my holiday and so scared of what they'll find. Any advice please or thoughts?

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shesatiger profile image
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25 Replies
Wexford1968 profile image

It doesn’t sound like bowel cancer, my symptoms were a lot different when I got bowel cancer. I think stress is causing a lot of your problems. But get the colonoscopy and I’m sure it will put your mind at rest. God bless

shesatiger profile image
shesatiger in reply to Wexford1968

Thank you for your help..sorry to hear about your diagnosis x

Wexford1968 profile image
Wexford1968 in reply to shesatiger

Thanks, but I’m fine now I’ve had my operation 3 years ago and everything is still looking good thank god

shesatiger profile image
shesatiger in reply to Wexford1968

Thank goodness for this.

mondlee6248 profile image
mondlee6248 in reply to Wexford1968

How do you find out about your C?? Thru colonoscopy??

Wexford1968 profile image
Wexford1968 in reply to mondlee6248

They gave me a colonoscopy and I actually saw the cancer on screen . They took a biopsy to check it. But the doctor said it looks like cancer. My tests came back a few days later and it was cancer. Luckily for me it was stage 1 I had it removed and didn’t need chemo thank god. That was 3 years ago and I’m still getting check ups, but over Covid 19 I’m not getting checked as often as I should.

mondlee6248 profile image
mondlee6248 in reply to Wexford1968

Can I say because of the symptoms so you went to the doctor and from there,they gave you a colonoscopy

Wexford1968 profile image
Wexford1968 in reply to mondlee6248

Yes because of the symptoms especially the blood.i Googled my symptoms and it came back saying these symptoms do resemble cancer. The doctor didn’t want to give me a colonoscopy at first, but I told him bowel cancer ran in my family and then he was quite eager to give me a colonoscopy.

mondlee6248 profile image
mondlee6248 in reply to Wexford1968

Ic, so during that time, u not sedate during the colonoscopy??

Wexford1968 profile image
Wexford1968 in reply to mondlee6248

I never chose sedation the first time. The second time after my operation I did choose sedation because it can be very uncomfortable

mondlee6248 profile image
mondlee6248 in reply to Wexford1968

Yeah, it’s definitely uncomfortable, before anything, did you had colonoscopy before and can I ask your symptoms just come all of a sudden, like you didn’t do anything and why do you have the symptoms that come suddenly right

Siln profile image
Siln in reply to Wexford1968

Hi there my partner had colonoscopy today. One large polyp was found in rectum ..we were told doctor thinks beign but they have done a biopsy on it should know in 5 to 7 days . Now I'm worried that they just said that its benign it was too large to remove so he must get another test to remove it. It's only one he has. Any advice or help would be good. He is only 39

mondlee6248 profile image
mondlee6248 in reply to Wexford1968

Usually what symptoms do you have for bowel C??

Wexford1968 profile image
Wexford1968 in reply to mondlee6248

Blood in the stools, constipation and diahriah. Slight weight loss. Can’t fully empty your bowels. Fatigue, some stomach pains.

mondlee6248 profile image
mondlee6248 in reply to Wexford1968

Ur blood in stools is always or once a while only?

Wexford1968 profile image
Wexford1968 in reply to mondlee6248

Not always,some days there woo be no blood but it would always come back.

mondlee6248 profile image
mondlee6248 in reply to Wexford1968

Actually I do have some streak of blood once a while, last year I went for colonoscopy/MRI and CT scan and blood test for tumor marker, everything is alright so sometimes it worries me

shesatiger profile image
shesatiger in reply to Wexford1968

Was it bright red and did you have blood profile done on blood test

shesatiger profile image
shesatiger in reply to mondlee6248

This is occult blood so I couldn't see it myself. However for years I've had on and off bright red blood due to piles

mondlee6248 profile image
mondlee6248 in reply to shesatiger

Would u be going for your colonoscopy?

shesatiger profile image
shesatiger in reply to mondlee6248

Yes Tuesday

mondlee6248 profile image
mondlee6248 in reply to shesatiger

Okay update us on your results

shesatiger profile image

Hi everyone, thank you for your help. I'm one of the lucky ones, extremely grateful for them not finding anything. Just piles. I'm sorry to those who have had bad news. The NHS are fantastic. These guys were amazing. It's my birthday today and I couldn't be more grateful for being healthy.

puffdaddy profile image

Total walk in the park!!! You won't be live and quick and 100% pain free it is.

puffdaddy profile image

Sorry for my previous reply I did not read you entire post. Sending good vibes

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