small amount of blood after wiping my... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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small amount of blood after wiping myself a few times

Schnoodle2017 profile image
19 Replies

hi everyone,

I just joined this hub as I’m worried. I’m not sure what to make of this.

I started having stomach problems after having COVID back in October. The stomach pain was so bad I went to doctor. Was on PPI meds which helped with the pain. However, just before Christmas my stomach was painful and aggravated. Went to doctor to be put bask on meds as only had a month supply. No red flags to report at that time.

After Christmas I discovered blood on the toilet paper after wiping. It was bright red and was outside of the poo stain. This occurred two in the first week of Jan.

I went to doctors at end of Jan about my stomach due to no improvement in pain. She asked about blood. I told her exactly what I wrote down here. She seemed reassured by this. I have been referred for a stomach ultrasound with Suffolk GP Federation. It’ll take 12 weeks to get an appt for this.

I’ve no no other incidents until last night (5 March). I wiped as usual. Poo doesn’t look any different. After four wipes, the fifth one had spotted blood, bright red. Another wipe and the same thing. I stopped and went to bed. It brought me down.

I have experience haemorrhoids before so no stranger to that. I’m just wondering what to make of it as there doesn’t seem to be a hint of blood in poo. It’s not even nearly black in colour. I’d go to the doctors as soon as but, as I’m waiting for this ultrasound…..

I don’t know. I’m definitely keeping an eye on things.

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Schnoodle2017 profile image
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19 Replies
Dance22 profile image

hi there I’ve had the same just into the new year! then my bowel screening kit can , it can back positive, won’t go into detail you can read some of my feed! So basically most tests done and I’m in surgery this Thursday, the NHS have been amazing through out , and it’s only been four weeks, you get tested ask for a screening kit ! not sure your age or where your but screening is the best way to go 👌👌

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to Dance22

I’ve Red your posts. I wish you all the luck the world to get back to good health.

I think I will go to doctors about this. 12 weeks is a long time for stomach ultrasound. I hope the health service in my area isn’t as clogged up as it seemed to be back in January. It took 8 days to be referred from my original appt. Yep, I think it’s. Better. Funnily enough, I had my poo test back in November last year whrn the stomach started. They found nothing worrying. I’m not if they were checking for anything like cancer though.

Dance22 profile image
Dance22 in reply to Schnoodle2017

thank you for your reply it’s good to share your experience in this , I’m just getting into my mind set to get through this ! I’m all set now hopefully no more test until after the surgery 🤞🤞will keep you all posted, you keep on asking for more test for peace of mind 🤞🤞👌

GCCA-Survivor profile image

Hi Schnoodle2017,

Thank you for posting on Colon Cancer Connected. So, you are still dealing with pain and blood. Did your doctor give you an FIT test? It would have probably come back positive as you are already seeing this. It would help determine if blood is present in the poo. It's definitely needs to be determined what's causing the blood.

Abdominal pain is also something that needs to be checked out. This abdominal pain looks to be going on now for about six months. Perhaps it's sporadic? I would question why you were referred for a stomach ultrasound as opposed to hey colonoscopy. Maybe there is a backlog on the need for colonoscopies? But the fact that it's 12 weeks out ( 3 months) seems to be an extensive period of time to determine what's going on. You definitely need the answers to blood and abdominal pain as soon as you can get them.

Another thing to think about is if there is a hereditary situation in your family. That would be good information for you and the doctor as well.

We do wish you the very best in getting answers for your symptoms. We hope you are able to move up the procedure so you can focus on something rather than having to speculate. I would hope you could get a colonoscopy which would more than likely give you the answers you're looking for. When you do have the procedure, please let us know what you find out. It's that type of information that can prove to be helpful to others on this site.

Thank you,

~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to GCCA-Survivor

thank you for your response. I turned 50 earlier this year. I don’t if I’m entitled to a F I T test at my age, as yet. I red up about these tests. They have a 4 year plan to lower the age they dispense them. Currently at age 56. My friend mentioned getting text about this on his 56th birthday. I think I will go to doctors. I could ask about them as it would be cheaper than sending my for a colonoscopy if… there is nothing wrong, other than piles. I don’t know. This has knocked me for six really. Especially as I’ had this for very first time in Jan and thrn nothing until now.

GCCA-Survivor profile image
GCCA-SurvivorAdministrator in reply to Schnoodle2017

Blood in the stool entitles you to a FIT test at any age. It may even be a prerequisite before another procedure can be scheduled. If they can't determine exactly the culprit for the blood and that abdominal pain is still an issue, the colonoscopy would be the best. At 56, you should schedule one anyway.😁🤔👍

LinC1 profile image


You could maybe ask your GP for a qFIT test (you can also get them privately) They are so easy to use and, my doctor told me, are more sensitive than the screening ‘poo’ test. I was told if it is negative (under 10) then risk of malignancy is very low. But also important to remember that lots of things, from polyps to piles can cause blood in poo/paper.

I had blood on paper + abdo pain. I was frantic as my partner had had bowel cancer - thankfully caught in screening + successfully treated. My qFIT was negative, but I got a colonoscopy as abdo pain wasn’t away. They found a polyp and internal haemorrhoid. Polyp removed + was OK.

Basically I’m trying to say, you’re right to see Doctor and check things out - it will help rule sinister causes out and reassure you, and if it is serious, then it’s best to get things moving quickly, so you’re doing all the right things.

Good luck - I’m sure folks on here can absolutely sympathise with how horrible the waiting game is - it may be worth calling the booking office to see if they have a short notice cancellation list, you’d be surprised how often patients cancel appointments!

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to LinC1

hi, thank you so much for your reply.

I have booked a Dr. appt for Friday, 10th March in the afternoon. Shouldn’t be long. If I do have this happen again before Thursday night, I’ll be on phone enquiring about cancellations.

It’s interesting that I’ve only had this happen in the evening. Not at any other time of day. Roll on Friday!

Dance22 profile image

All the very best for Friday 🤞🤞I’m in surgery tomorrow! hopefully be home Friday evening, it’s keyhole surgery, I’ve to be on the ward for 7am so early start to my day 4.30am 😴😴

Schnoodle2017 profile image

oh good Lord! It’ll be a long tough day tomorrow. I hope it all goes very well. Good luck!

I hope you get to have a lot of rest after Thursday. Not long for us both now.

I’ve got it in mind that the qFIT is definitely what I need. A much quicker answer. Colonoscopy is great way to go but, I can’t put up waiting for another appt fro something else, especially if there isn’t anything wrong! This test is best. I’ll know where to stand things will either be put into place or, no further action, wait for the stomach ultrasound… still 😤

Schnoodle2017 profile image

update: I’ve been to GP today. He examined my rectum. He found the skin was quite red. He says I have a tear in my skin. Some where the skin joins… I can’t remember exactly what he said about that. The exam hurt a bit.

He prescribed a cream for me to use for two weeks. He also suggested using Savlon on as well during treatment.

He supplied me with a qFIT test. He asked me to wait until I’ve finished cream treatment as the test risks throwing up a false positive. It require a bit of waiting but…. But at least he found problem with the back passage which “could” be the problem concerning the small amount of blood.

Be nice if I could have this stomach ultrasound!

Dance22 profile image
Dance22 in reply to Schnoodle2017

that’s very good news, you’ll be able to peace of mind ! I’m just out of hospital had my operation Thursday, all went well, the consultant is confident he’s got it all ! but can’t promise, I’m a bit batted this morning but it’s done just resting up now .

Schnoodle2017 profile image

hi Dance22, I’m so pleased for you. At least you have been able to get on top of it. I’m guessing further tests will if it all completely gone, or whatever else needs to be done. For now, enjoy this victory and have good rest 😊

I’ll feel better once I’ve had stomach ultrasound. However, what I need to do now will keep my mind occupied. I’ve just loads of Savlon, a Nivea stick balm and Vaseline to help with the aforementioned area. I red my patient record last night. GP wrote down that he found old haemorrhoids. So, I’ve been dealing that for sometime. Doesn’t as a surprise to me.

At least I’m doing something as opposed to the waiting stewing I’d had to do thus far.

Dance22 profile image
Dance22 in reply to Schnoodle2017

hi schnoodle2017 hopefully you’ll be over this soon good luck 🤞 I’ll be having follow ups soon! they have team meetings every Tuesday so maybe not this Tuesday they’re waiting for biopsy results 🤞 then just regular check ups, you take care .

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to Dance22

oh, that sounds good. Very reassuring.

I’ve started the treatment. Oh, it’s a bit messy due figuring how to apply this ointment lol. Have noticed I’m starting to itch a little. That’s a good sign. I feel a bit better that I’m occupied in treating my rectum and have the qFIT text to do afterwards.

Good luck to you as well. What’s happening with you sounds very encouraging given how scary it is.

KCRoyals profile image

Hi, most probably, similar to me, it's caused by cracks and fissures in the anal passage. GP told me that was probably the case as the blood was bright red it came from near the A/P exit. Had my Colon screen and that came back negative. Good luck. If you need to, pop into your local pharmacy and buy a testing kit.

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to KCRoyals

hi, I do have qFIT test 😉 I requested one with the doctor and sent a message to reception to have one ready before I leave. He said he hasn’t seen any blood. There are old haemorrhoids. The skin is excoriated. He explain this like having an itch and scratch your skin vigorously. He said I need the ointment for 10-14 days. Thrn, do the test. He doesn’t to risk a false positive.

I’ll do the test but it’s looking like a precautionary measure. I don’t think he would have given me a test kit if I hadn’t mentioned it. Explain why the dr. back in January seemed reassured I mentioned having this issue at the very beginning of the year.

I haven’t had this problem often in the last two months. I’d say three times only in nine weeks.

The treatment is now starting highlight the area where to problem is. I can feel it today.

Glad I went to the dr. I’m glad you experience had positive outcome.

KCRoyals profile image
KCRoyals in reply to Schnoodle2017

Same as me when I had your symptoms, the itching and hard food especially anything with nuts or seeded bread can do this. Just out of interest what cream did your doctor recommend?

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to KCRoyals

the cream is called Scheriproct. A Prednisolone hexanoate Cinchocaine hydrochloride. It’s a clear ish looking ointment. Dr. Says 10-14 days on this treatment. He said use Vaseline or similar at intervals each day as well. We’ll see what happens 😊

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