So many symptoms, don't feel good and... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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So many symptoms, don't feel good and I am scared..

jojospins profile image
14 Replies

I have over the last couple of weeks been feeling so lousy, have gone from nausea , awful gerd ( i have a history of this) to upper abdominal discomfort and some diarrhea. Eating is not fun right now. My dr finally sent me for a CT scan and it came back ok except for some mild thickening of bowel wall and they recommended a colonoscopy. My last colonoscopy was 3 years ago and was last endoscopy was a year and a half ago. I have had some constipation over the last couple of months prior to this "episode" Today there was blood in the toilet only when I had a bowel movement. That freaked me out. I have a call into the dr as they are going to let me know next steps - bloods, stool studies, etc but I am getting nervous as I have never seen that before.

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jojospins profile image
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14 Replies
Nicole_GCCA profile image

Hello jojospins ,Thank you for posting and I'm sorry that you've been feeling so poorly.

Based on the CT scan, your doctor recommended a colonoscopy, correct? Before you experienced blood in the toilet?

The colonoscopy will allow your specialist to determine what is going on - better view of the bowel wall, to see that thickening that they saw on the scan. They may also perform a digital rectal exam (DRE) to see if there's an obvious cause for the bleeding (fissures, which are small tears in the anus, or hemorrhoids).

It is scary to see blood in the toilet, but please know that there are many reasons why you could have blood with a bowel movement. It should ALWAYS be checked out by a doctor, but there are many causes that are easily treatable with medication, procedures, diet changes, etc. Try not to let it get you too anxious, anxiety does a number on our GI systems, unfortunately. I know it is easy for me to say not to let it get to you, and a lot harder to try not to let it get to you... but my recommendation is to focus on ensuring you get appointments set up, and track your food and bowel movements, and any blood you see.

The more information you give your doctor, the better.

Has your colonoscopy date set yet? If not, please follow up with them to get the date.

We're here for you and please keep us posted.

~Nicole, GCCA Staff Member & Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

jojospins profile image
jojospins in reply to Nicole_GCCA

Thank you for your reply I truly appreciate it! The radiologist recommended the colonoscopy actually. I have been in touch with my gi doc office a couple of times since the onset of all of my symptoms am I waiting to hear back from them. A little frustrated because they have been slow to getting back to me especially when I have been feeling so lousy. I had reached out to them a little over a month ago with a little bit of blood on the paper when I was constipated and they said it was because I had a hemmoroid. I am very diligent with my health, had my obgyn visit a few months ago and good blood work at that time. I just want to feel better. The nausea is so uncomfortable and has gone on for so long and I am trying not to be anxious I do know that it won’t make it better.

Wonderman214 profile image
Wonderman214 in reply to jojospins

Hey man I have the same question can you check out my recent picture and tell me what you think? I honestly haven’t had any symptoms besides blood in my poop but I’ve looked it up and also could be some other stuff but this was the first thing that popped up with blood and stool and was wondering what u recommend

Nicole_GCCA profile image
Nicole_GCCAPartner in reply to Wonderman214

Hi Wonderman214 , I just responded to your post, hope that information is helpful, let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

Nicole_GCCA profile image
Nicole_GCCAPartner in reply to jojospins

Dear jojospins ,I am sorry to hear you are chasing the doctors, especially when you feel so crummy.

With COVID, many medical offices are overwhelmed due to being short-staffed, but also many have gone back and forth on performing emergency procedures/visits only, and are backed up.

However, that being said, this is your health and the best thing you can do is to be your own health advocate and continue to follow up in order to get that colonoscopy scheduled.

When reaching out to get an appointment from the doctor, mention the nausea and see if there is something they are recommending you take for it (prescription or over the counter).

As much as you may not want to eat or drink, it is so important to eat enough calories and stay hydrated, the last thing you want is to end up in the emergency room due to dehydration and not eating.

Don't be too hard on yourself. It is completely normal to be anxious and frustrated in this situation. If you can channel that energy into getting an appointment and getting prepared for the appointment, that would be great. Try to distract yourself, and don't go too far down the google rabbit-hole because only a doctor can diagnose you.

We're here for you, please keep us updated.

~Nicole, GCCA Staff Member & Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

jojospins profile image
jojospins in reply to Nicole_GCCA

Thank you! Yes I’m making repeated calls and trying to just get in for bloodwork and stool tests to try to determine short term what may help me. I know the wait for colonoscopy is a while normally. I may have to go back to primary for that if they don’t respond. I just want to get the drs eval and plan on my situation!!! I haven’t even gotten that far yet.

Nicole_GCCA profile image
Nicole_GCCAPartner in reply to jojospins

jojospins - keep your chin up, and don't give up! It is a lot of work chasing these appointments and tests, but it is all worth it for your health.

Keep us updated,

~Nicole @ GCCA

jojospins profile image
jojospins in reply to Nicole_GCCA

Hi! I finally changed gi doctors asI became frustrated because mine never scheduled even a video visit or a phone consult. He treated me for a positive ecoli test without even talking to me except through his staff. I met a new one yesterday in person and I’m scheduled for a colonoscopy and endoscopy on Tuesday thankfully. She is pretty hopeful that it isn’t anything serious given my recent scans which made me feel good. I am frustrated and baffled with my symptoms as I struggle with period onset of nausea and heartburn, body aches particularly in my legs that comes and goes. She felt it could likely be an inflammatory process or recurring bacteria. Over 2 years ago I suffered from a bad case of esophageal candidiasis and i remember it was similar so I am wondering if this is a recurrence....we will see...👍

Nicole_GCCA profile image
Nicole_GCCAPartner in reply to jojospins

jojospins ,I'm so glad to hear that you've got a new specialist. Good luck and please keep us posted!

~Nicole @ GCCA

jojospins profile image
jojospins in reply to Nicole_GCCA

Hi I just wanted to update I had my colonoscopy and endoscopy and all results came back benign: she found nothing at all not even a polyp and took biopsies of colon. She suspects that the ecoli infection had irritated my whole gi track and it had just been taking a long time to heal. As for the bleeding she really wasn’t sure possibly the infection. Hemorrhoids or even a small fissure not visible on scope. I am doing. A lot better thankfully, I still have some upper gi symptoms with gerd and pressure around rib cage but appetite is back and way better!

mondlee6248 profile image
mondlee6248 in reply to jojospins

So how is your bleeding in stool, still have?? Or no more

jojospins profile image
jojospins in reply to mondlee6248

It’s pretty much subsided! I had it for a couple of days after my scope but it seems to have gone away.

Nicole_GCCA profile image
Nicole_GCCAPartner in reply to jojospins

jojospins ,Glad to hear that you are feeling better. If symptoms return be sure to follow up with your doctor. Hope that you continue to heal and also - good for you on changing doctors when you no longer felt you were getting the attention/care you should as a patient.

Far too often we stick with a doctor out of habit, fear of having an awkward conversation, or just not thinking about the ability to switch doctors. It is always great to hear when people change doctors and are able to have their needs met!

~Nicole @ GCCA

jojospins profile image

That is good to know thank you!

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