Hi all i dont want to sound insensitive to anyone who us unwell but qanted to ask a question as im worried and naturally a highly anxious person. I have had rectal itching for 2 yrs non stop and a hemmoroid sufferer for maybe 7 or 8 yrs will bleeding soreness in the past. I had a colonoscopy maybe 10 yrs ago was just gastritis but the itching is unbearable. Feels like qorms wriggling. I jad 6 dr visits all creams didnt work then saw another gp told internal hemmoroid and did a parasite test all ok. Now saw a natropath who did iridology said i had candida and and trying grapfruit ext for worms on day 3 for both. I always think what if its serious. Im scared. Any advice? No bleeding i drink prune juice daily to go. I go daily.
Worried: Hi all i dont want to sound... - Colon Cancer Conn...

Hi contra.
The best thing you can do is speak with your gp and see if they are willing to send you for blood tests to start with. I dont know if they would send you for a colonoscopy unless your bpowel habits have changed or you have blood recently.
Blood tears have been done. Im confused on what tests can this symptom be serious?
I dont think itching is a symptom but if you are still concerned reassurence from a medical professional is always best x
My lower burning and back pain is getting worse. Yesterday i had a grey stool and today a red 1 im terrified.
Have you been back to gp? X
Yes she said to monitor and takenpoctures but im scared its serious as i dont know what a grey or red stool mean. Plus lower pelvic burning pain all day
I personally don’t think this is related to this. You’ve been tested and colonoscopy done. If your still concerned I’d go back to the Gp. If blood tests have been done and nothing has come up then I’d be looking in a different direction. I’d go back to your Gp to query this further.
I did a colonoscopy 10 yrs ago so she today booked me in for 1 in 2 weeks. Im terrified. My bloods tests are normal just aneamia which ive had my whole life. When you say blood tests can they tell something is wrong from that?
They can tel from blood tests yes so I’d they have said there’s nothing then that’s good. . But that’s good your getting another colonoscopy. I have to have one on the 30th and I’m a bit nervous getting it done. I went in to have a baby 6 weeks ago and Ended up having part of my bowel removed. But I had a tumour and diagnosed with Bowel cancer which no one knew about only for the fact of being pregnant. Keep us updated though, we are all here to support
Omg i feel terrible. Just read your story im crying. Did you have any symptoms.. I've read ppl getting c with no symptoms at all though.
I’d no symptoms. If u read my post by clicking my name you’ll see. But you’ve had tests done and nothing has come up. I think your really worrying about this too much.
My dr said cant be shown from general blood tests. Ive only used creams and a parasite stool test. Like everyone showed no symptoms im scared. I sound stupid as you have been through hell but im going to think about what if i have cancer for a while always did with the itching in the last 2 yrs .
There’s a blood test CEA which counts the cells for cancer. I think that’s wrong having your mindset like that. It really is. There’s no point thinking like that. You have not been diagnosed with it so you should be happy. I’d piles before I was pregnant and itchy and never did I think the way you’ve just said. I don’t think being on this page will help you either with what people say to you. You need the reassurance of the doctor. By sounds of things your ok and should be thankful. I’m absolutely scared about my colonoscopy on the 30th as it could be either good or bad news. Please stop thinking negative about it all.
Im sorry x just worried about the what if.
You are thinking too much into it.
Apologies again x