So I have had trouble with constipation since I was very young, my stomach area has always caused me a great deal of pain, numerous trips to and from doctors and hospitals for barium meals etc to see what was causing it but they could never find anything.
When I was 16 I noticed something that I later found out to be a rectal prolapse. In January of 2017 I had a rectopexy procedure where mesh was put inside to keep my intestine in place. I would also like to note that whilst conducting a Colonoscopy they found one polyp which was removed and found to be benign.
Of February this year my prolapse is back, NHS sent the consultation appointment for a date in June, and then cancelled it and moved it to September and again to October so I have had enough of waiting so am going to have the consultation privately which I had had to do for the initial appointment too.
My GP constantly tries to dismiss me with IBS which I am most definite I do not have.
Has anyone had any difficulties with the operation to rectify the prolapse and was there an underlying cause that caused the prolapse to happen?
I haven't given birth so the prolapse couldn't of been due to child birth, it started to be visible at my back passage when I was about 15 but I didn't go to my doctors until I was 18 when it was at 'full thickness'.